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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Schumer wants witnesses for a Trump trial but rejected them for Clinton in 1999

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, who announced Sunday he wants to summon four witnesses to testify at a Senate trial if the House impeaches President Trump, voted against calling witnesses when President Bill Clinton was impeached in 1999.

Schumer, a New York Democrat, was a new senator in January 1999 when he cast one of his first votes in the chamber to dismiss the case against Clinton and against a motion to subpoena witnesses.

"I wonder if the House managers aren't a little more interested in political theater than in actually getting to the bottom of the facts,” Schumer said on CBS at the time, explaining his objection to calling witnesses in the trial against Clinton.

Schumer argued the witnesses would provide nothing new in the case. "My view is we have heard from most of these witnesses over and over again. We've heard the same story."



  1. Nobody gets their HATE on like a Democrat , this FARCE is nothing but payback for and by BOTH Clintons !

  2. Democrats are the anti-American party

  3. These Democrats are deeply involved in money laundering and corruption.

    Should Witch Hillary of been promoted most us would not know how bad things have been in our Government that

    " WE THE PEOPLE pay for ".

    Vote Trump 2020

  4. Nature of the game. Flip flop.

  5. Of course, Democraps protect their own. And just like the Republicans then they protected the Democrat Clinton.

    1. Republicans are not protected by the democrat clinton !!!

  6. Just another example of how stupid these Politians are. They have law degrees and in politics for decades but still does not know the Constitution. The Impeachment process starts with the Judiciary Committee not the Intelligence Committee. then they Judiciary Committee charges and draws up articles of impeachment. Then it is sent to the Senate which holds the trial with the facts from the House. Senate does not reopen an investigation. They use the "facts" from the House. The Senate does not call witnesses. This is for all you "snowflake" Democrats that don't know the Constitution.

  7. So...... Republicans and Trump wanted witnesses and now they don't .


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