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Monday, December 16, 2019

Schiff: 'I Had No Idea FBI Was Committing Serious Abuses When I Said All That Stuff'

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) can't admit when he's wrong.

After last week's DOJ Inspector General report revealed that the FBI committed serious abuses while obtaining a warrant to spy on Trump campaign aide Carter Page - including fabricating evidence, Schiff was asked on Sunday by Fox News host Christ Wallace:

"Given what you know now … are you willing to admit that you were wrong in your defense of the FBI’s FISA process?"

To which Schiff replied: "I’m certainly willing to admit that the inspector general found serious abuses of FISA that I was unaware of."

That's an odd way of admitting your entire thesis has been dead wrong for three years.



  1. Remember...shiftty shift was one of EIGHT on the committee, just as Devan Nunez was.....that saw ALL the evidence. Shift KNEW just like the other 8 what the eef bee eye had done, Nunez warned us, shift KNOWINGLY lied and led the Nation threw all these lies, tricks, deceit and scams. Is this not obstruction? Is this not treason against the American citizens? Has he not purposely violated EVERY Rule of Law?
    How can we continue to give immunity to the most corrupt individuals in the world. Its long past time for accountability.

    Bring Rope.


  2. Schiffhead was just lying; comes to him as naturally as breathing.

  3. LIEING piece of shhhht !!! Lock him UP


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