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Saturday, December 07, 2019

RUDY NUKES DEMOCRATS: Ukrainians Find Misuse of $5.3 BILLION in US Aid During Obama Admin

Oh gosh.
This wasn’t supposed to happen.
This was supposed to be Pelosi’s week to shine!

On Thursday Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that Democrats will move ahead on impeachment of President Trump for not giving away US taxpayer dollars quick enough to one of the world’s most corrupt nations. Democrats believe this is grounds for impeachment.

Earlier this week Rudy Giuliani met with Ukrainian officials to discuss the misuse of US funds in Ukraine and the creation of a group to fight corruption in the country.



  1. Since the FBI can no longer be counted on to conduct an unbiased investigation, perhaps the President could create a new Group to investigate the corrupt Democrats. I want to see FISA warrants moving. Apparently they are easy to get.

  2. This is why they truly want Trump out of office. Trump is a business man and not a politician. Politicians are frauds. It's called corruption by Democrats.

  3. Does anyone think that Obama might have skimmed off some of those billions of dollars that he secretly sent to Iran to appease them, and used it to buy his new mansion? Wouldn't surprise me in the least.

  4. Rudy will Lock up the Demon-crats baby !!! Get-Er-Done

    He took out the Mob in NYC & This one will be easy !!!!


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