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Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Report: US may face french fry shortage due to stunted potato crops

The United States may soon face a french fry shortage due to poor potato crops this year, Bloomberg has reported.

Cold and wet weather this year has stunted potato growth. Retailers rely on long potatoes to make french fries, but those larger, more desirable starches will be in short supply.

“French fry demand has just been outstanding lately, and so supplies can’t meet the demand,” Travis Blacker, industry-relations director with the Idaho Potato Commission, told Bloomberg.



  1. Oh wow to us; might have to eat healthy.

  2. As long as Thrasher's doesn't run out, I'll be okay.

  3. Hope this does not effect Craft Vodka distillers.

  4. 2:38

    So what exactly is eat healthy mean?

    French fries are not healthy?

    How about tofu burgers with extra hummus? Is that what you recommend?

    You're a fascist fool!

  5. Call Thrashers & OC !!!!

  6. OMG we'll lose weight!

  7. Where will everyone go when there's an American potato famine? Ireland?

  8. Yeah - we Irish love our potatoes 😂

  9. So what exactly is eat healthy mean?

    December 3, 2019 at 4:27 PM:

    Really? You don't know? I don't know about any fascism involved, but you are certainly the one that's the fool if you don't know what healthy eating means, whether you practice it or not.


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