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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Read the full articles of impeachment document here

Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee revealed two articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump Tuesday, setting in motion a historic chain of events in our nation's history.

The Democrats cited two charges, abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, in their announcement.

The charges stem from the president's push for an investigation into his political rival, former Vice President Joe Biden, by the Ukrainian government. Democrats alleged the president threatened the integrity of the U.S. election system and endangered national security in his dealings with Ukraine.



  1. Impeach / Imspeach !!! LOL LOL eat a Peach !!!

  2. I am convinced the Impeachment Hearings are fake. Everybody in Washington knows they are fake, and they get the script for this charade daily.

    The elites are very bold at this stage of the takedown. They feel no need to hide their communist control agenda. The Amerikan population is so dumbed down, anything will pass for reality.

    It is a crazy time to be alive

  3. I agree
    Something doesn’t smell right about this made for TV impeachment

  4. I was reading on page 13 where is says "Orange man bad!".

  5. You folks cannot read

  6. @ December 10, 2019 at 6:26 PM

    I wonder, did you watch all of the public hearings?

    I did.... during the inquiry and during the judiciary proceedings.

    Did Donald Trump do what they are accusing him of? Probably. Do they have the hard evidence to sell it to the American people? That's a bit trickier.

    I think from a legal standpoint, if it were being tried in a court following the law then yes. However, this isn't being tried in a court of law... it's being tried by a bunch of partisan blow hards (on BOTH sides) with agendas.

    So this has to get sold to the American people. More importantly.. to the ones not so polarized, NOT the partisans who continue to not budge no matter what happens, on both sides.


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