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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Ralph Northam Vows ‘Consequences’ for 2A Sanctuaries that Refuse Gun Control

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D) says he is not opposed to counties declaring Second Amendment Sanctuary status but he vows “consequences” if those counties refuse to enforce gun control.

On December 10, 2019, Breitbart News reported CNN’s tally of over 40 counties that have declared Second Amendment Sanctuary status. And on December 12, 2019, Breitbart News reported that more than 1,000 residents attended the Chesapeake City Council meeting and cheered at that city declared it will defend Second Amendment rights.

The Associated Press reports the number of Second Amendment declarations sits at above 50, if one counts cities and counties together.

These declarations are all part of an effort for cities and counties to get out in front of Democrats’ assumption power in January, at which time they expected to pass numerous new gun controls.

More here


  1. We live in a time of smart phones and stupid people.

  2. Aren't you glad you have a smart phone?

  3. Perfect example of why the Electoral College is necessary at the national level by showing what you end up with when it is not a factor...!

    Only a couple of densely (yes, the people are dense too!) populated areas voted for this dirtbag racist while the majority of the state voted against him!

  4. You can't have one without the other, Governor.


  5. Also a time when commies want to control your lives.

  6. This worthless bastard doesn't know what consequences are until he tries to unlawfully take away the guns of law abiding citizens.There will be hell to pay and the South aint losing this time!

  7. Oh Ralph! The Eastern Shore and VMI are wondering what happened to you?

  8. Ralph Northam is treading in very dangerous territory.

  9. Its OK to allow sanctuary for criminals, but deny a sanctuary for our Constitutional rights????

    We should not Have to defend that right! You need to defend the reason why its OK to let people off the hook because they are here illegally !!!!

    What the hell is wrong with these people?????

  10. I guess to will be Democrat cops against Conservative pro constitution COPS.

  11. Who liked to take Ralphy SHARK fishing?? ???

  12. Its time to show the world you can not threaten peaceful american citizens with an army and get away with it. Its way past time to put these tyrannical criminals in their place.

  13. Dem cops u better stand down.

  14. Democrats cry that Trump is a Dictator and they won't have it, yet a Dictator Governor is okay? I know, all we have to do to keep our guns and AR's is wear Blackface and it will then be alright, since Democrats swept that under the rug.

  15. Consequences???

    The consequences will be the slaughter of a lot of police and National Guardsmen.
    Then HE will either be on the run and hiding, or swinging by the neck.

    Either way, just as good.

  16. Why is it ok to have consequences for non compliance for gun control but it wasn't ok for President Trump and others to say there would be consequences for declaring sanctuary states and cities for illegals

  17. Let him call up the national guard, they aren't smart enough to realize that the guard is not made up of illegals and Democrats but it's made up of conservatives and the very people that are the owners of the "assualt rifles" that he wants to confiscate.

    1. Maybe,but they will follow orders. Then what. Most of us wouldn't stand a chance if a couple MRAPs with troops roll up.

    2. Oh bullshit. Remember how this country was made. The well armed, and organized British were defeated. We will kill any, I repeat any gov't agency that trys to take our rights. Just get out of the way if you can't stomach that. It will be a blood bath this country is not ready for.

    3. 504 pm
      is not part of the III percent who will stop this rogue Governor

  18. Virginia loves civil war

  19. Simple solution really, Have the Sheriff's of every county deputize the people who want to support the 2nd Amendment. Provided they can pass a background check and have no criminal record. The people who don't support it, need not apply.


  20. Just the fact that he would make a statement like that proves that liberals aren't right mentally.

  21. 258pm, good idea...and some counties are doing that. Not sure how thats going to help tho... the NG wont be asking for ID. Sheriff's dept is the highest law in each county tho, so will 50,000 deputies arrest/detain a few thousand NG. I think it best the violators of their Oath of office should be arrested, it is a crime. Violating God given and Constitutionally Protected Rights are actually Crimes Against Humanity...there is an EO on it. There needs to be severe punishment for violating these things....there would be less war and more peace.
    The Constitution requires We The People to taken down a corrupt, tyrannical and/or dysfunctional government, yet sometime ago the communist democrats passed a fed law that said should anyone attempt this there would be severe penalties {treason}. I think the supreme court will need to do double time real soon if we are to salvage our Republic. In the past they've taken decades to plan their word trickery. Shall Not Infringe.

  22. He is a very brave man hiding behind armed guards. Coward.

  23. Come get them boys.

  24. Cops and Soldiers work for the elite.
    They don’t work for the people.

    Wake up and get prepared.


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