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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

'Radicalized' Pensacola gunman visited 9/11 memorial in New York just two days before shooting dead three Navy trainees

The Saudi gunman who killed three people at a naval base in Pensacola and wounded eight others visited the September 11 memorial in New York City just days before the shooting.

Senior law enforcement officials also say that the killer, Second Lt. Mohammed Saeed al-Shamrani, 21, made preparations for the shooting by filing paperwork to purchase a gun in April.

The revelations about his movements are part of efforts by investigators to establish an exact timeline in the weeks leading up to Friday’s shooting rampage, according to The Daily Beast.  



  1. All you have to remember is that the killer was a Saudi. Contrary to popular belief they hate us and use our lifestyle against us. How many more Saudi pilots are in our programs training for future terrorist strikes.They are there, you better believe it. It's worked before for them and it will work again. Our stupid FBI is more concerned about who is running for election than the protection of our people. What a terrible future we are leaving for our kids.

  2. You've got it all wrong 9:44...it's as simple as oil. We cut our ties to fossil fuels we cut our dependence on middle eastern oil.

  3. We have plenty of reserves in US - The Demoncraps want the ties to make money of it. Always have.

  4. What is this talk about “ours” this and “ours” that?

    Who are you people?
    You identify yourselves with the government?



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