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Monday, December 16, 2019

Racial Justice Scorecard: Here’s How 2020 Dem Candidates Ranked In ‘First Of Its Kind’ Study

On Thursday, the Center for Urban and Racial Equity (CURE) released its 2020 Racial Justice Presidential Scorecard. The scorecard is described by the group as the “first of its kind” and it analyzes presidential candidates‘ policy proposals through a racial equity lens across essential areas such as education, criminal justice reform, health care, voting rights, reparations, environmental justice, immigration, indigenous rights and policies to close the racial wealth gap.

The scorecard also takes into consideration the candidates’ past and current rhetoric and language around racial justice issues that mean a lot to communities of color. The criteria for scoring included support for specific policies to further racial justice, the amount of detail provided for their policy strategies, and language used in debates and public events to lay out issues impacting Black and brown voters. The scorecard went through a rigorous external review process to make sure the scoring of the candidates was fair and on topic with issues of importance to communities of color.

More here


  1. If all these people entered into the Democrat race think for one minute that DNC and the higher up Democrats have not already picked who they are going to back and push as the Candidate then they are living in Fantasy Land. They all are going to be thrown under the bus just like Sanders was done in "2016". THE WEBS WE WEAVE WHEN WE TRY TO DECEIVE. THAT IS THE DEMOCRAT WAY.

  2. AKA the pandering index.


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