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Sunday, December 01, 2019

Queen cancels Prince Andrew’s birthday party over Epstein interview fallout

Queen Elizabeth II pulled the plug on Prince Andrew’s birthday bash as his connection to Jeffrey Epstein continues to embarrass the royal family.

The prince was set to have a birthday bash at Buckingham Palace to celebrate his 60th birthday in February, but his mother has canceled the celebration in the wake of his controversial interview with BBC, according to The Times.

During the interview, Andrew denied that he knew Epstein’s accuser Virginia Roberts Giuffre, who accused the Duke of York of raping her while she was trapped in Epstein’s alleged sex trafficking ring. Photographs of Giuffre and Andrew prove that the two had met, but he claimed he would have remembered the encounter if it were sexual.



  1. Yes, I believe he is guilty, but I really don't think these young ladies involved with them are totally innocent or the parents that allowed them to be there when the events happened.
    In the age of internet porn, most of these kids are exposed to this at a young age. Even when I was in middle school back in the Seventies, very few of us were that innocent, and even some of the jocks in the locker room would brag about their conquests.

    A hundred years ago, this was not uncommon. My grandmother was only fifteen when she got married, and had my father back in 1934. It was a fact, that if you weren't going on to college, you would drop out before going on to high school and get married. And some of the men were usually much older.

    This did not become taboo until recent history. In some states the age of consent is still around 16.

    In most third world countries this still occurs today.

    The fact is they chose to be there, and they knew and their parents knew and were well pay for it!

    1. These girls/boys were SOLD into by the parents, to handlers, who then arranged for them to sexually please elite men and women. So yes the parents knew and basically sold their young kids (girls and boys both) to be prostituted.

    2. Thank you for telling stone, cold truth 5:14

  2. People in the UK seem to be happy with their Queen,I wonder how they are going to fell when they have a king.

    1. A king who feels like a queen when in the throne room....(sic)
      Today's world, tomorrow I may feel like I am a lion and should be treated as such because it is my right!

  3. This is hilarious the queen is punishing the poor little prince for misbehaving. the guy is a pervert just like Clinton. they both should end up in prison where they can really play.

  4. Happy birthday and congratulations on not being caught for so many years.

  5. In the photos I have seen published the girls look very happy with a big smile on their faces. Seems they were doing what they wanted to do years ago as teenagers and trying to get more money now by filing lawsuits.

  6. Damn! Even the Queen mother knows he's a pedophile. Maybe ABC should interview her.. .oh, that's right, they spiked that story.

  7. What is the big deal, the age of consent in the Uk is 16. The prince was doing just what Bill Clinton had been doing while he was Gov. and Pres.

  8. The queen's whole family is a mess. A pedophile and Idiot for sons, a grandson who also suffers from mental illness that married a common whore, and a drunk husband that drives.


  9. When your Mom cancels your birthday party you're in genuine trouble!

  10. The monarchy should be abolishing. The notion that somebody is better than you and I just because of the family they were born into is just ridiculous.

  11. He is GUILTY AS HELL & everyone Knows it !!!

    He is in the pic with the victim / was on the plane / was on

    Pedifile Island >> What more proof does one need ???

  12. You commenters obviously do not understand what this story is about. Hilarious really.

    The blackmail is the point.
    Not the fun and games with children.
    Don’t you get it?

    One must do this . . . (While being recorded) . . . In order to get that . . . (Desired power).

    This is how Communism works.
    The Saducees / Rabbis checkmated the Royal Family long ago. They truly are the Masters of the Universe. They print the money. Literally.

  13. That naughty boy, Andrew. Bet he'll stay away from those hot little girls now. No birthday party for you, Andrew!!! We'll see if you can behave yourself next year and maybe you will get another birthday party for you and all your lil friends.

  14. He just liked to break them in & got Caught !!!!

  15. Andrew, you are a bad boy. Now go sit on your naughty bench. No cake and ice cream for you this birthday.


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