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Sunday, December 01, 2019

Press Release for Alcohol Compliance Spot Check done on 11/18/19


  1. Charge the waitress, But yet illegal rapist are set free in MD..cant fix democrat stupidity in this state. THE Time to leave is NOW

  2. Absolutely ridiculous, the person that buys or attempts to buy alcohol that is under age is the criminal not the poor clerk making minimum wage trying to get by.

  3. 11:42 if you are equating selling beer to someone under 21 with committing rape something is wrong with you.

  4. 12:18 it's their responsibility to card. This is communicated to them upon hire.

    1. I know it’s the law but I don’t think it’s a good law , it’s holding the person working accountable and the person attempting to break the law is not

    2. I agree it is backwards

  5. 12:18 you're an idiot, if that underage person gets intoxicated on the alcohol he was sold then smashes into your car and puts you in a wheelchair the rest of your life, will you still say, "that poor clerk was just trying to get by "I think not ! try using some common sense if you have any...

    1. It’s his fault not the minimum wage kid ringing it up looking at a fake ID

    2. The poor clerk wasn't driving the car idiot

  6. Just outlaw alcohol and everyone wins...except the government - and who cares about them?!

  7. 4:20 i believe we have been down that rd

  8. County can’t stop school fights, but, they harass stores and bars for selling a beer to under aged cadet!!! What’s wrong with this picture?? Way to go Wicomico County!! It’s all about the priorities. LOL

    1. Sending some undercover cadets to schools might be the answer in wicomico county schools

  9. Never fear, Manure Bota, Jake Day, Lennie Foxwell and Petey Franchot will be looking the other way once the City of Salisbury becomes the authority on the Liquor Control Board.

    Thanks, Manure Bota!

  10. Sounds like ENTRAPMENT.

  11. how many spot checks were done at the "folk" gathering?

  12. Do you know where there's real money to be made, Salisbury law enforcement? Make a few runs through the twilley center and ticket the people parking in handicap parking spots. If you short of making your quota, that place is a gold mine, and it makes me sick! Some even take up 2 spots with no placard! A towing company could make a fortune!

  13. Ahhh. MSP ENTRAPMENT STING. I remember how they used to hangout at Denny's or other all-night diner's. Sitting there in jeans just watching and listening to whomever. Then you drive away. POPPED.

  14. Alcohol is killing almost twice the number each year then opioids but some how it’s not a crises? Even businesses we have entrusted with liquor licenses are selling to CHILDREN. We our better. #banbooze#savekids


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