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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Poll: Hillary Clinton Top Pick Among Democrat Voters

Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton would be the leading choice among registered Democrat voters for the White House if she jumped into the crowded primary field, according to a recently released poll.

The latest Harvard-Harris presidential poll shows Clinton at 21 percent support, edging out former Vice President Joe Biden with 20 percent. The survey shows Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in third place with 12 percent and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) placing fourth at nine percent. Tied for fifth place with fice percent support are South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D) and former Secretary of State John Kerry, who has ruled out a White House bid of his own and recently thrown his support behind Biden.



  1. If she is the Democrats pick, that goes to show just how very corrupt all of them are.

  2. I give credit to the Democratic Party for one thing - Picking a loser. Great mind-set, don't you think?

  3. They'll roll her out wearing an oxygen mask and using a walker one day. She's all they have...#sosadd

  4. And e.cummin' can be her VP...2020 MAGA FOREVER !!!

  5. This certainly does not say much for the plight of the DNC. Basically saying we got nothing to go against Trump. They certainly do not have any platform since Trump is accomplishing so much. The Democrats are floundering and with the IG testifying yesterday exposing more anti Trump corruption makes it even more difficult.

  6. I wake up every morning happy that Hillary is NOT the president.

  7. Is this the same pollsters that had her winning by 97%?

  8. LET her Run > Get-ER-Done 2020 Help Trump !!!


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