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Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Poll finds Barack Obama, Donald Trump tie for 'most admired' men of 2019

A new Gallup poll published Monday finds current President Donald Trump and former President Barack Obama are 2019's most admired men.

The annual poll asks respondents who their most admired man and woman are for the year. Both secured 18% each of the vote when respondents were asked "What man that you have heard or read about, living today in any part of the world, do you admire most?"

As for which woman was most admired in 2019, former first lady Michelle Obama received the nod with 10%. Current first lady Melania Trump received 5% of the vote. According to Gallup, this is the second year Michelle Obama has received the majority vote as most admired woman. Hillary Clinton had received the nod the previous 22 years.



  1. Obama has no accomplishments so it must be a fake poll

  2. They would also tie for most hated - if that question were to have been asked!

    Meanwhile, Chewie getting selected is kinda scary!

  3. Our society is sick

    1. Don't believe the polls 12:13, it's fake

  4. Based on the standard polling process {lying and cheating} that means Trump's popularity is really above 75%.

  5. Seriously, BO??? Yeah, right, Who did they poll for that one?

  6. Smart Americans know this means Trump is winning by a long shot.

  7. Who did they poll the dnc

  8. Yes,

    I can see this to be true:

    Trump most admired in Heaven

    Obama most admired in Hell


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