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Thursday, December 05, 2019

Political Memes


  1. Consistency.

    I'm happy seeing Blumenthals too. Lets get both of them.

    No one is above the law, including illegal aliens OR Presidents.

    Why do we give one a pass and not the other. Pointing out your rivals faults does not make your own's o.k.

    It's still wrong on both sides... and pointing it out on the other side is admitting that you know your side is wrong.

  2. You just don’t get it do you idiot 7:53am. We don’t need to see Trumps, he made his millions as a businessman. Blumenthal made his as a politician!!

    Carry your petty hate somewhere else!!

  3. There is no constitutional requirement for the President to supply tax returns
    Read it.

  4. Income Tax is not Constitutional

    But not many of us know the truth about who are the Federal Reserve Bankers


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