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Thursday, December 26, 2019

Political analyst: Corruption seems like part of Maryland's 'political DNA'

BALTIMORE (WBFF) – Monday authorities announced federal corruption charges against former state delegate Cheryl Glenn.

“It’s almost like corruption is part of American political DNA in the state of Maryland,” said political analyst John Dedie.

Dedie says there is a long history of corruption in Maryland politics.

“Really the corruption of Maryland politics in recent years goes back to the 1960’s and 70s with former governor Spiro Agnew who took kickbacks. Governor Marvin Mandel took kickbacks and was convicted. You also have former Baltimore county executive Dale Anderson,” he said.



  1. Oh so true, long history of corruption in Maryland. Time to stop the crap!!

  2. Have you seen mark dice vid lol

  3. Cummin' is gone. So that's cleaned up...

  4. Cummings was just the tip of the iceberg...Let's include the Eastern Shore's counties and especially Wicomico County...

  5. lets not forget John D'Alesandro, Nancy Pelosi's father who was a Mayor of Baltimore. lots of stories told about this Balto. family have been exposed. Nancy learned well about how the political machine works.

  6. Im going to get minze

  7. Northwest Woodsman: I just looked up the demographic information for Maryland for 2018 and was surprised that 47% of your population is black and Hispanic with blacks making up the larger number. Your crime rate is consistent with FBI data related to minority participation in criminal activity. unfortunately, you have gone beyond the tipping point from which there is no return. Your only choice to escape the violence and corruption is to relocate to a place with more favorable statistics. It is only going to get worse.

  8. Nancy Pelosis' dad and grandfather were both involved in MD politics and were suspected as mafia supporting thugs. D'ALESANDRO NAME WAS VERY WELL KNOWN AS PAY TO PLAY CROOKED DEMOCRATS BACK IN THE 30'S,40'S AND 50'S AND EARLY 60'S.THE NANCY APPLE FELL DIRECTLY UNDER THE FAMILY TREE.

  9. The $50,000 is chump money for Maryland's politicians - it's the kick backs that they desire. Look at PG county - you have to be a criminal to qualify as a politician. πŸ˜‚

  10. The Baltimore / DC corridor loves this corruption. That is why Maryland will always be corrupt. Ask Hogan what he has attempted to do to eliminate this corruption. Hogan has done nothing. Maryland's Republican Party has done nothing. So nothing will change.

  11. When did they get their first clue? I grew up in that messed up state and it's been corrupt ever since I can remember.


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