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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Pelosi Rushing Impeachment Vote to Keep Wavering Democrats in Line Before Christmas Recess

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is rushing the impeachment vote to the floor of the House before the Christmas recess to keep wavering Democrats in key battleground districts away from their constituents, the majority of whom are potentially uncomfortable with impeaching the president.

“House Democrats on Tuesday unveiled two articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump over his contacts with Ukraine: Abuse of power and obstruction of Congress,” Breitbart News Network reported.

The House Judiciary Committee is expected to vote on these articles this week, setting up an up or down floor vote on both articles of impeachment in the full House before next Friday, December 20, the Washington Examiner reported



  1. That is why she is pushing the new Canada / Mexico / US trade deal, Pelosi is buying votes. Pelosi is violating US election laws. Pelosi is influencing US elections.

  2. Distraction. The impeachment hearings revealed damaging info on the FBI's handling of the Russian investigation, which was paid for by the democrats.

  3. The Democrats are breaking every law they are charging President Trump with. IT IS TIME FOR TERM LIMITS AND LAWS WRITTEN TO COVER CONGRESS, JUSTICE DEPT, ITELLIGENCE. They have gotten away with lining their pockets, breaking laws and trying to control the country. Needs to end NOW!!!

  4. They have been in RECESS for 3 years !!! Make them Work

  5. Agree with 3:14 pastime for term limits and I would add they also get no retirement and have to pay for their health insurance. Must also include no "grandfather " clause included on all Tax dollar benefits.

  6. 2 term Limits for ALL incl Congress & SCOTUS !!!


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