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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Parkside Teacher Charged With Abuse/Neglect Reporting

Judy Scott was a teacher at Parkside that was dismissed when J. Eure was


  1. One little, Two little, Three little pedophiles
    Four little, Five little, six more knew
    Seven little, Eight little, Nine did nothing
    10 years minimum jail for humans so vile

  2. What in the world is going on in that school system?

  3. Why was she arrested by a Salisbury City Police officer when this is a County issue. WTF is wrong with law enforcement in our county???

  4. 10:54 progressive liberals to answer your question.
    See, it’s like this: progressives, liberals and Democrats represent the scum, low class, gutter dwelling miscreants with zero integrity or morality in our society. School systems have actively worked with Obama regime officials to stop smearing minorities with the truth of their low life, low class, reprehensible criminal activity and anti societal behavior that statistics were overwhelmingly proving. When we vote to put these people in power this is what we get.
    So, stop already! Never vote Democrat, never promote a pervert Democrat or place them in positions of power where they can pad the workforce with like minded perverts. . ESPECIALLY around children. Democrats promote Socialist and Communist ideals Which are proven every time throughout history to fail. Capitalist societies do not and lift many more people out of poverty beyond the minimal to survive.

  5. This is so sad. You now have 2 individuals who followed their gut to help a friend when they now know they should have done the right thing and hung him out to dry. Never, ever help a pedophile, unless you send them to a pshrink.
    Kind of like what happened at Penn State years ago. You help a friend and become an accomplice.

  6. 6;50 I call bs! you are an idiot!

  7. Was there a press release on this?

  8. Wake Up Everyone!!! PEDO's can't be rehabilitated EVER!!! Name me just one who has...You CAN'T!!!

  9. All mandated reporters need to know that u need to report even if its hearsay, call directly after telling ur supervisor, no matter what they say. You can do it w/ out telling ur super you called independently, but i d say it proudly. Let them figure it out. Cover your tail, forget who s mad or may even retaliate because if somethng goes down first thing said is I told...and ...knew and they better be able to see u called it in. Cause heads will roll and bucks will be passed.


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