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Saturday, December 07, 2019

Out-of-state drivers owe Md. $102 million in video tolls, fines

The Maryland Transportation Authority is also in the process of contracting for a collections agency to go after out-of-state drivers, which is expected to be implemented sometime after the 3G transition.

Earlier this year, the state said out-of-state drivers have racked up $102 million in unpaid video tolls and fines.

Del. Al Carr said that the solution should instead be negotiating agreements with neighboring jurisdictions to flag vehicle registrations at renewal of drivers who haven’t paid Maryland tolls. It’s something the state is working on but the MDTA has argued that establishing reciprocal agreements is difficult because there are many different tolling agencies and some states have many different agencies like Virginia where there are 15 tolling entities. Each state also has different late payment policies, including some that are harsher than Maryland’s.



  1. Hogan would rather raise taxes. Maryland will do nothing with reciprocal laws with any State, even thou it would benefit Marylanders. They will do nothing with the right to carry because they are to stupid to understand the guidelines. Now they refuse to collect millions in fines because of their laziness and stupidity. This would work the same as the requirements of CDL's and CDL's are Nationwide.

  2. Good luck on getting ANY of that !!! LOL

  3. I remember the AHOLE COP in FELTON giving my Wife a speeding tix for 2 mph over even though the radar is ALWAYS OFF by 1/2 mph then they failed to notify PA that she paid the Tix so they suspended her lic.,. Hey DE COPS don't come to NY just sayin.

    1. Good, just stay in NY then. Tell all your buddies in PA and NJ that we don't like them either!

  4. Maryland is corrupt. Why would any other state work with Maryland?

  5. Md will just TAX their own people more, to make up for it !!!


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