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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Ocean City Eyes More Surveillance Cameras; Chief: Program Has ‘Worked Very, Very Well’

OCEAN CITY – A proposal to expand the City Watch surveillance camera system received a favorable recommendation from the town’s police commission this week.

In the interest of public safety, the Ocean City Police Commission voted unanimously this week to forward a request from Police Chief Ross Buzzuro to expand the City Watch program to the Mayor and Council with a favorable recommendation.

“This is the way of the future and we have to be proactive,” Mayor Rick Meehan said. “If our chief is requesting that and it will assist the department, I think we should support his request.”

Nearly six years ago, the town developed its City Watch surveillance camera system. Buzzuro said since that time the program has become a valuable asset for law enforcement and emergency services.



  1. Governments love to spy on the population.

    We used to be free

  2. Is it true that some cameras were installed in the public restrooms? I saw some pretty graphic pictures in a bar that a guy had on his phone. Of course, they do need to keep tabs on the homeless people.

  3. Get ready Ocean City residents with just few hundred more cameras they will be watching you go out your door, see what you are doing in your yard, follow your every foot to the store and back home! Orwells "1984" is coming fast to the "Family Friendly Resort"!!

  4. If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever

  5. Big brother is watching! Orson Wells.

  6. Civil war/revolution is coming. NO QUESTION.

    Get ready.

    Orwell was a prophet.

    An attorney from Baltimore once told me that Ocean City is known across the country as a place where, once you enter, you have no Constitutional rights that any judge in that city will recognize or enforce.

    Across the nation.

    We're gonna take care of that problem soon, too.

    Keep cheering.

  7. Of course police and anyone in authority will want to push this, it helps them push tyranny on you... Like I said, wait until the cops have drones flying the city, they will record you handing a friend or family member Tylenol, and when someone reviews the tape 2 years or more from then, they come lock you up saying you did a drug deal, saying they can't prove or disprove what you gave your friend was or was not illegal, and there for you have to PROVE you did nothing wrong... And then, from there the tech will get as bad as Minority Report did... But I guess you all love being slaves like I said... I guess it will take you being locked up for just thinking for you to start giving a shit!!! But I now that to me false, you morons love slaves and being one so you won't do a damn thing to change that!!!! This I know...

    1. You must think you are above the law like hillary 4:58

  8. 3:31 PM these people are to stupid to know what a boot is, let alone, a boot stomping on their face... My guess is they wouldn't like it, but it doesn't affect them yet, so they don't care, becasue like taxes, they think they can move away from it!!!! Oh but then when there is no place left to go or move to, they will blame you and me for not helping their sorry excuse for human beings... Saying it is our fault they are to stupid or lazy to do anything... They already do that now!!!

  9. 3:22 everybody loves Big Brother.

  10. Contract Homeland Security EnforcementDecember 12, 2019 at 6:12 PM

    Unfortunately, The Resort is live year round with criminal behaviors.

    I've been assigned to O.C. since 2010, and witnessed behaviors you only see in Cities like Baltimore or Chicago.

    The OCPD have a difficult job to maintain order for safety.

    I needed to have the Coast guard assist a few weeks ago for a dude who went swimming in the 40 degree Ocean water.

    I'm a Conservative and Constitution believer and supporter.

    Because of Sept 11, 2001 the evil and stupidity displays its face more often.

    Camera images capture the evil so we can lock the Booger up or send them to Cambridge Mental health facility

    1. "contract" homeland security enforcement 6:12, is that a job like a part time security guard with a badge and walkie talkie ?

  11. Need some to watch the ones in charge !!! Needed more


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