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Saturday, December 07, 2019

Obamas Officially Purchase $11.75 Million Waterfront Mansion in Martha’s Vineyard

The Obamas are owners of an $11.75 million waterfront mansion in Martha’s Vineyard, officially purchasing the Edgartown Estate this week.

Rumblings of the Obamas multimillion-dollar purchase surfaced in August, but they officially closed the deal this week, joining the elite Martha’s Vineyard community in a nearly 7,000 square foot home that sits on roughly 29 acres, facing the Edgartown Great Pond. The Dukes County Registry of Deeds recorded the $11.75 million price on Wednesday afternoon, per the Vineyard Gazette. The compound was originally listed for sale in 2015 for $22.5 million and dropped to $14.85 million in July 2019.

The listing details the property’s “long and winding driveway, sprawling lawn and incredible water views” and notes that the main residence is “finished with the finest details,” including “multiple seating and entertaining spaces, a modern Chef’s kitchen, and a formal circular dining room surrounded by a wall of windows overlooking the grounds.” It is also equipped with a jacuzzi located off the second-floor balcony.

“There are two guest wings and an impressive master suite with fireplace, private sun deck and spectacular water views,” the listing boasts.

The purchase comes in addition to the $8.1 million home the Obamas purchased in 2017 in Washington, DC’s Kalorama neighborhood. They also own a 6,243-square-foot home in Chicago’s South Side Kenwood neighborhood.

More here

[MAGA! --Editor]


  1. Guess they aren't worried about "climate change" and. Sea level rising anymore.. such hypocrisy...

  2. How green of him... guess he isn’t worried about rising waters.

  3. Not too bad for a community organizer.

  4. And I don’t have health insurance because Obamacare bankrupt me. He apparently is a financial genius turning 27k a month into 400k a month in 3 years.

  5. There goes the neighborhood.

  6. Northwest Woodsman: There goes the neighborhood. Real estate values will no doubt bottom out and white flight will begin.

  7. I would like to know how an unemployed elected thug turned illegal President can afford a $12 million dollar mansion after only making $400,000 x 8 years? A community organizer isn't a real job and he was kind of old when he became president.

    How did the price of the mansion drop by half price when the Obama's wanted it? Just like the mansion in DC that the Obama's were renting after he left office and then all of a sudden it was for sale and he bought it?

    The Obama's have a mansion in California and 2 mansions in Chicago. And don't forget about the multimillion-dollar oceanfront mansion that Obama bought in Hawaii. Yep, the Magnum P.I. mansion. Please tell us where Obama gets all his $ Millions, you Obama lovers!

  8. Got money same way that Biden says his son didn't.

  9. Why do you think he paid Iran during the middle of the night in CASH. So it would not be traceable. Why do you think the Democrats want power - so they can continue being Billionaires. Pelosi, Biden, Waters. AOC is working it right now - dumb like a fox. Thank all your Obama voters for putting him in office. I knew the day it was announced Obama for President we were in for a losing battle.

  10. Being a politician must be a sweet gig. Start with nothing. Get elected and get rich off the backs of the taxpayers...

  11. I was told the money came from the sale of m's book.

  12. If they cared so much about supposedly global warming then they would remove all structures and put all the 29 acres back to the environment
    But we all know that will never happen do we

  13. The Saudis got him into law school, Soros got him elected, The Communist party gave him his wings... There are a lot of racists in America that didn’t care this Moron is an enemy of America. They bought the media narrative of the darling black man president.

  14. HaHa, now he wants to flaunt that he's the #1 black man in America. LOL, and it's downright funny. He always wanted to live among rich white people. Trump could buy ten of those, and not even miss the money. And Trump could have done it without being the president and selling his sole to the highest bidder. Obama was, and continues to be a pretender.

  15. Northwest Woodsman: Pretty good for a no talent community agitator. Can’t imagine where he was able to secure the money to make the purchase. During the Clinton admission and the Obama debacle, I never once listened to any of their speeches or read anything they were responsible for or took credit for. I still find it difficult to believe that anyone of any degree of intelligence was unable to see how transparent and superficial they both were. Both sociopaths and major narcissists.

  16. How does he afford that on a 400,00 a year salary when he
    was POTUS ???
    He must have taken Bribes / Stolen $$$$

  17. Must be paid for by the Clinton Foundation (DEEP STATE)

  18. Paid for by OBAMA CARE !!!! & Your Tax $$$$


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