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Monday, December 23, 2019

Northwestern U. FINED Protesters Who Disrupted Jeff Sessions Speech

Northwestern University has fined several students $125 for their participation in a protest effort against Jeff Sessions back in November. The students were cited with disorderly conduct after they disrupted the event by shouting. The university claimed that some protesters pushed and kicked police officers as they were removed from the event.

According to a report by Campus Reform, Northwestern University has finally punished a group of student protesters that disrupted a November 5 guest lecture event featuring former Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Some of those students have been fined $125 by the university’s police department for their participation in the protests that disrupted the Sessions event for five minutes. The students were cited for “disorderly conduct” and “interfering with the duties of a police officer.” Northwestern claimed this week that some of the protesters pushed, grabbed, and even kicked police officers as they attempted to remove them from the venue.

A statement published by the university claims that it was motivated to levy the fine on the student protesters for “disorderly conduct,” in part, because “vigorous debate and free expression” are essential values at Northwestern.

More here


  1. Of course the university is not going to cut the money flow by expelling these little idiots. Just a token fine.

  2. Well it's about time a little, and I do mean little law and order is established on campus.


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