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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Nolte: Media Ignore Brutal School Bus Assault on Florida Child

A 14-year-old boy was hospitalized after being brutally beaten on a school bus this week… and the usual tut-tutters of “toxic” this and “bigotry” that have nothing to say.

The appalling video has only now gone viral on social media. According to the family of the boy, who is only being identified as Tyler, the beating occurred on November 21.

Via Twitter, Tyler’s mother (@AmericanDiaries), said the beating occurred because her son wore a “Trump 2020” hat to school in the past, something he picked up at a flea market.

She said Tyler was immediately harassed for wearing the hat and stopped wearing it, but the resentment and anger lingered to the breaking point on the bus. The date that he stopped wearing it is unclear, as the school district said no political apparel was seen in security footage of the incident.

The video is like something out of a horror movie, a violent scene filled with high-pitched shrieking and a horde of kids jumping Tyler, fists swinging. Tyler does try to defend himself, but he’s outnumbered five-to-one and forced to lie down on his school bus seat and protect himself from a rain of blows from three girls and two boys.

Here’s my question…

Where the hell’s the establishment media on this?

If the media are as noble and unbiased and concerned with bullying and political violence as they pompously claim, where are they?

We have video, for crying out loud.



  1. My question is, where was the bus driver? They are supposed to be responsible for the safety of this and every other child.

  2. If its black on white MSM is no where to be found!

  3. They are going to regret it when people start fighting back 🤛

  4. Where the hell is the bus driver?

  5. Perfect example of the Democrats civility, since they are saying nothing.

  6. This was a racial attack. It had nothing to do with Trump. I doubt those thug animals even know who Trump is. It's parents raising scum.

  7. Who are the racist ? Blacks Who are the ones that bring hate and bullying ? Blacks... There is good and bad on both sides. However it would be nice to see or see from black leaders condemning these things... getting harder and harder for me to look at blacks and see anything else but things like this...

  8. He wasn’t attacked for his hat he was attacked for being white

  9. 4:16 Better yet, what race was the driver?!

  10. Holy crap - revenge kid - when she is alone.


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