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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Navy, Army probes find no racism intent in hand gestures

Two Naval Academy midshipmen who made a hand gesture associated with white nationalists while standing in the background of a TV segment during the annual Army-Navy football game were playing a “sophomoric game” and were not flashing racist gestures, according to a Navy probe into the incident released Friday.

The mids made the hand sign while standing in the background during an ESPN broadcast segment during the Dec. 14 game.

The involved students — whose names are redacted in the copy of the report released by the Academy — told investigators they were playing “the circle game,” where one person makes the “OK” hand symbol.

“The premise of the game is that a person makes a circle with their pointer finger and thumb below their waist,” the investigator wrote. “If someone looks at the circle, they lose and the person who made the circle gets to punch the person who looked in the arm.”



  1. Awesome protect our boys f the lib scum.

  2. The most idiotic search I've every heard of, Instead of ignoring this insane demand by the left, by doing so it gave credibility to it, Stupid conservatives. Quit caving in to the lefts' accusations. They are insane! When are you going to open yur eyes to the obvious.

  3. We’ve playing dumb game since the 70s but the liberal elite always look for away to attack White men... It’s time for White men to stand up for themselves

  4. “To be clear, the Navy does not tolerate racism in any form. And while the investigation determined there was no racist intent behind these actions, our behavior must be professional at all times and not give cause for others to question our core values of Honor, Courage, and Commitment."

    These leftists question your core values every time you salute the American flag. Don't give in to their motives of twisting everyday normal hand gestures. Keep using the okay sign. It is not a white supremacist symbol. It was a hoax
    This is just a way for leftists to manipulate our everyday healthy interactions.

  5. The reason certain individuals claim harmless words and gestures are “racist” and therefore “acts of violence” is to give them an “excuse” to attack them.

    Because that’s what they want to do.

    Wake up, people. Resist the malevolent masses!

  6. The fact that this symbol and game has been turned into a "white supremacist" symbol is exactly what's wrong with country.

    1. It’s not nor have ever been a white supremacy symbol the media just calls it that to attack white peoples

  7. Right this is not like Gov. Northam wearing Blackface or Trudue wearing his Brownface. That is Racism, but since it was worn by DemoRATS it is okay.

  8. Sick of the Race Card and Political Correctness. ENOUGH Already!!!

  9. The OK hand sign is a form of 6 6 6
    Origins are with OTO and occult

  10. Baiting liberals creates undue stress on their psychological, emotional, and physical well-being and will not be tolerated in any way, shape, or form under penalty of death!


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