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Saturday, December 07, 2019

Nancy Pelosi says 'great president' Bill Clinton was impeached just for 'being stupid', when asked to compare the case with Trump's

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has claimed former president Bill Clinton was impeached for 'being stupid'.

Pelosi made the comments during a televised town hall meeting on Thursday evening in Washington, D.C., when she was asked to compare the case to US President Donald Trump's impeachment inquiry to Clinton's.

Questions were put to her by 11 audience members, eight of whom were Democrats, one was Republican and two identified as independent voters.



  1. Hey Nancy-Don’t pee on my leg and tell me it’s raining.

  2. So, when is nancy's impeachment to begin ??

  3. Bill while at work in the Oval Office was putting a cigar into blank. The blank belonged to a 19 year old girl. Yup great President alright


  4. Nancy's Botox regimen continues to diminish her recall of facts. This should refresh her faded memory.

    Bill Clinton, a Yale Law graduate, a lawyer, a former Arkansas Attorney General and a law school lecturer was impeached for, among other things, perjuring himself under oath during a sworn deposition relating to a sexual harassment suit filed against him by Paula Jones. He was subsequently disbarred, and paid her $850,000 as a settlement. So, yes all of his actions related to that event could be called 'stupid'.

    He wasn't impeached for raping Juanita Broderick. He wasn't impeached for his actions with Monica Lewinsky.

    He was impeached for perjury.

  5. It's that discussing. Taking advantage of a young staffer sexually and is only charged with perjury. I bet that wasn't the only time he lied under oath 😂

  6. Disgusting not discussing - my bad. Sorry.

  7. Pole-low-see is stupid and Bill as well... "I did not have sex with that woman"... what a moron and her too...

  8. Anybody notice that Nancy just stutters, lisps, and stammers when asked a question that she has not had a prepared answer scripted for her? She is a senile old puppet. America should wonder who is writing her scripts for her, after 50 years corrupt government service. If Trump wins re-election, he should make it his agenda to have legislation passed that will put terms limits on the likes of her, and the many like her in Congress. It's what Americans want, by vast majorities in both parties. In addition to the prospect of appointing another juror to SCOTUS, the idea of terms limits scares the shit out of career politicians like Nancy. Just look at her. Old as hell, babbles without a script in front of her, and is way past her expiration date. They have to use a whole jar of face putty just to put her in front of a camera.

  9. & Bill SHOULD have been Removed from office > Guilty !!!

  10. Trump is Innocent, so a Big comparison !!!


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