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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Nancy Pelosi has been knowingly lying about child gun deaths to push gun control

When even the left-leaning Washington Post calls a Democratic talking point a lie, you know it must be a doozy. And thanks to fact-checker Glenn Kessler, we now know that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has repeatedly and knowingly lied about the rates of child gun death to push an agenda.

Consider this tweet from the California Democrat: “100 people die every day from gun violence — 47 of them children & teenagers.” Pelosi asked, “How many more must perish before [Mitch McConnell] will take action?” She has repeated the same or similar forms of this statistic, that 47 children and teenagers die every day from gun violence, in press releases, speeches on the House Floor, and comments to reporters.



  1. Of course she lies, she is a politician.

    Her job is to say exactly what she is told to say by her handlers (intelligence). Intelligence works for her bosses. The richest people in the world.

  2. That number is actually higher, BUT, it is the number of teens killed while Texting and driving ! We need to ban cars and cell phones!

  3. Of course she lies, she's a democook. Dispiciple people. You can jeep your doctor. Bengazi, was about a book.

  4. It's stuck in her head like chewing gum on the sidewalk.

  5. Doing what luciferians do lie and deceive. She also prays for Trump? We all know you worship satan

  6. She is a dumbocrat. They get elected by lying lying lying.

    Uniformed and less than smart people vote for dumbocrats.

  7. This woman is a Democrat so she is a known liar.

  8. Lieing is all she knows how to do , a lifetime of it !!!!


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