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Thursday, December 26, 2019

Muslim terrorists will try to wipe out Europe with a chemical attack in 2020, Vladimir Putin will survive an assassination attempt and Donald Trump will fall ill, predicts blind mystic Baba Vanga who 'foresaw' 9/11

Donald Trump will suffer deafness and mortal illness in 2020 and Vladimir Putin will have to fend off an assassination attempt while Europe is bracing for a chemical attack from Muslim extremists, according to the blind Bulgarian mystic who supposedly 'predicted' 9/11.

Baba Vanga has become a cult figure among conspiracy theorists after some of her pronouncements proved eerily true.

Although she died in 1996, her predictions run until the year 5079 and this year's forecast makes worrying reading for the White House, Kremlin and people of Europe.

However, Trump and Putin can draw reassurance from the fact that last year's predictions were extremely similar and no such fate has befallen them in 2019.



  1. how many of her predictions Didn't come true...hmmmmmmm

  2. Didn't she say that Hillary-Crime Boss-Clinton would also be President?

  3. President Trump 2020December 27, 2019 at 9:16 AM

    These predictions are of evil

  4. did she predict how many JMB students would become sex or drug addicts? or should she have contacted our mayor?

  5. Puullleeeeze

    Plenty of people foresaw the 911 false flag attack. It took years to plan and orchestrate the event.


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