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Thursday, December 26, 2019

Mother jailed after crossing border into Mexico to give Christmas gifts to migrants

Mexican authorities arrested a Texas woman after she illegally crossed the border trying to give Christmas presents to migrants awaiting asylum.

Anamichelle Castellano loaded up her truck with more than 300 gifts for migrant children detained in Mexico on Monday, according to KTRK. She and another woman were headed from Brownsville, Texas, into Matamoros, Mexico, when they were stopped by authorities.

Castellano, who owns the nonprofit Socorro Foundation, had been making routine visits to the makeshift migrant detention centers in Mexico since President Trump negotiated that migrants apply for asylum in Mexico before entering the United States.



  1. Just as Jesus intended..

  2. Didn't you know? It's OK to break the law if you MEAN WELL!

  3. If the illegal hispanic criminals are allowed in this country. They will be given or more like steal more presents than we can imagine via freebie benefits via us the taxpayers... don't let them in AT ALL...

  4. Mexican law enforcement relies on bribes and always has.

  5. Half of what she might have given would have been to drug smugglers, rapists and murderers, she should spend time in one of those long holding cells. Why didn't she give gifts to her neighbors and family on the other side, and those that need assistance.

  6. 50 years for smuggling Ammunition, seems fair. Harsh prison sentences for breaking the law is all these Liberal Morons understand!


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