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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Mother files assault report after student says teacher ripped off her 'Women for Trump' button

An assault and larceny report was filed against a teacher in Michigan after a 16-year-old student claimed that her teacher tore a “Women for Trump” button off her clothing.

Sadie Earegood, a junior at Mason High School, told WILX that media technology teacher Paul Kato yanked the accessory off because he didn’t like the button.

“I was just really shocked that a teacher would especially do that,” she said. “He's talking about the ‘Women for Trump’ pin and I said, ‘that's fine you don't have to like it, we can have our opinions.’”

She said that there was a struggle where Kato put his hand on her shoulder.



  1. Why can't these people mind their own business, and let people think what they want?

    1. because they cant

      Progressives Bully folks
      assuming you will back down or away .

    2. because they cant

      Progressives Bully folks
      assuming you will back down or away .

  2. Liberals do not want conservatives to have a conscience unless it is compatible with their beliefs. They complained about conservatives being intolerant when they simply expressed their beliefs. They are revealing the truth about themselves. So now conservatives can say to them, "COEXIST."

  3. Was it TALIB OR OMAR .

    1. 320

      George Washington would have hung those traitors

  4. If that POS teacher doesn't respect our laws and constitution why the hell doesn't he go back to that s#it hole country he came from?

  5. Another snowflake teacher full of hate. Liberalism is a sickness.

  6. Touch my kid and I'm fing u up.

  7. He’s from NIGERIA!


  8. Hope he's taught a financially painful lesson, and that his teaching days are done.

  9. Should’ve resulted in an ass kicking of the teacher from her Dad

  10. 5:44 after someone beats the living crap out of him.

  11. Northwest Woodsman: Another arrogant , virtue signaling, self righteous Pedo Marxist democrat demonstrating his form of tolerance.

  12. This is where the role of the father comes in. Don't file a police report. Hand youe business. If a teacher rips anything off of my girls, anything, there is a good old fashioned ass whippin a coming and no, I don't give 1 lowercase F about the criminal charge. Nor will that person ever see a single red cent from a lawsuit. I will not pay it.

  13. Can see this happening in any school in Wicomico County. Teachers are getting more brazen and they’re actually losing control of their classrooms because kids see them as adversarial not Authority. Politics in general should be kept out of the school day. Liberalism is like a virus. They creep into any place of society and instead of conforming or acclimating, they try to force it to change to their liking. Liberalism, like viruses need to be scrubbed from our society because they have nothing worthwhile to offer any community built on individualism and personal spirit. Those are the exact opposite of what liberalism allows.


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