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Thursday, December 05, 2019

Miami UPS worker allegedly hides packages worth nearly $3G, steals them later, police say

A UPS seasonal employee in Florida allegedly hid packages containing electronics while on the job and later stole them, police said.

The Miami employee, who assisted a full-time driver in unloading packages at several locations, was arrested for stealing packages on two different occasions this week, according to court documents.

Emmanuel Reggin, 18, has been charged with third-degree grand theft for allegedly attempting to steal at least $2,800 in electronic equipment, according to arrest records.

Court documents said the first incident took place on Monday when Reggin was unloading a UPS truck with 5,500 boxes delivered to a Miami Nektova fulfillment center, which, according to its website, is a global distributor of branded consumer electronics.



  1. Why on this earth would anybody hire a guy that has hair like that? it is so obvious he has no personal hygiene and doesn't care about his appearance.

  2. Where did he hide them in his hair?

  3. That's the down side of a low unemployment rate.

  4. is that a thundercloud a-brewin?

  5. OMG, 11:18PM, my thoughts exactly. Why would any company want someone who looks like this representing their company. WOW, just WOW!!

  6. Lol wut? Seriously that hair though......

  7. Somebody in UPS Human resources should be reprimanded or fired for hiring anything that even looks like that. His appearance should have disqualified him from any job at UPS. Those seasonal jobs are very well paying jobs, and there is no shortage of applicants. I'm sure it sucked for the driver that had that "helper" assigned to him and his route. I wouldn't want to be in the same building with that thief, much less in a vehicle with him. Maybe the UPS recruiter was blind?

  8. Remember this Everytime you get a email after a job interview that states "you don't meet the requirements"...and then they hire these...

  9. Meet the requirements??? Something other that a straight white man, pretty much.

  10. Now, now they cannot discriminate against "black hair" LOL!

  11. Thank the government for their Hiring Quotas on Minorities, forced onto employers.

  12. Northwest Woodsman: Earlier, I made some mild comments regarding the individual responsible for hiring this employee and was censored. The above comments are much less sensitive than my comment, so I am completely confused. Basically, I said that who ever hired this man must have been influenced by race in some capacity, pro or con, or it would never have occurred. I can’t imagine having this man step into my office for a job interview and being given any consideration including racial preferences. Was that sensitive enough?

  13. I so want to know where he gets his hair done. I would travel any distance to get a do like that. He sure is purdy,


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