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Thursday, December 05, 2019

Melania Trump says impeachment witness 'should be ashamed' for citing Barron Trump

First lady Melania Trump responded to Stanford Law professor Pamela Karlan invoking the name of her son during the House Judiciary impeachment hearings.

"A minor child deserves privacy and should be kept out of politics," Trump said Wednesday on Twitter. "Pamela Karlan, you should be ashamed of your very angry and obviously biased public pandering, and using a child to do it."



  1. Karlan destroyed any and all credibility she may have brought to the panel. It didn't take long for vitriol laced videos to surface exposing her as a far left radical. Impartiality...not even close. And they are "teaching" prospective lawyers; no wonder there is such disdain for the legal profession.

  2. Yeah, I saw that. These people are narrow minded academics, who have no idea what real people are like or act. Plus, this poor woman is butt ugly to boot. I'd be pissed to if I had to go thru life with that face. Daaaammn!

    1. Agreed 9:13 - that woman fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch in the way down

  3. I agree. Be ye democrats or republicans. Leave the kids alone. Mitts off the children. They have no control over the choices of their parents.

  4. So......they are going to proceed with the impeachment according to the Pelosi announcement this morning. When are people going to wake up and see what is happening here? When is there going to be an impeachment of Pelosi and every Democrat in DC? President Trump was elected to clean that swamp and it's oh so obvious the Dems are doing everything they can to not let him do that job. He actually should have cleaned house his first day on the job, fired everyone, and started over again, then perhaps we wouldn't be where we are right now. Sad, sad time in our country when the people overwhelmingly elected President Trump, and the idiots in DC don't like him because he is not like the corrupt scumbags they are. How dare they sit there in judgment of President Trump when they are so corrupt and don't want it brought forth just how bad they really are. Sad, very sad.

  5. Prof Turley made the other professors look like left wing wacko biased ignorant DUM O CRAT fools.PARTY BEFORE COUNTRY.

  6. Really people? This offended you? Talk about snowflake. Just more smokescreens

  7. Melania should understand by now that the Democrat Party and their supporters have no shame. No moral compass, and no shame. It's what they are. The ones in Congress are vile human beings, set on the destruction of our constitution and our country.

  8. Just another "Paid For" Demoncrat Hearsay witness !! LOL

  9. Just another "Paid For" Demoncrat Hearsay witness !! LOL

  10. All the crap with these Professors was a JOKE / Hearsay
    Worthless Opinions that would Never Matter in a Real Court

    PROVING NOTHING !!! waisting taxpayer $$$$ & time !!!


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