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Sunday, December 29, 2019

Mayor Jake Day Says Crime Is Down In Salisbury Maryland 12-23-19


  1. really, then I guess that purse snatching musta been a figment of her imagination.

  2. When will the sex with the underage student come out?

  3. Look at this picture people, real close at Jake Day!! If anyone in this marriage is doing Adderall it's your immature mayor

    1. 😂😂😂

    2. How do I know she wasn't sviring drugs for BOTH of them. Working as a counselor in the field of addiction, I have to say that rarely does this happen in a
      marriage without knowledge or involvement/sharing the addiction.

  4. Replies
    1. No it is not. Not a Jake Day fan but this isn’t necessary

    2. @1217 he needs to be investigated

  5. LOL yeah no crime and then bam his wife makes the list. You just can't make this crap up.

  6. I know that you folks don't like Jake but let it go . This is a deeply personal issue ,...let them resolve it

    1. What ??? Let it go ???? You must be a jake day suckass 12:13

    2. Personal issue???? Is was an entrusted employee of the wcboe and enlisted a student to find her drugs

    3. Not personal when she does it in the course of her employment IN A SCHOOL!!

    4. Let them resolve it. Sounds like another Salisbury official

  7. Dysfunctional family Christmas at the Day house!!!
    I see police responding to a domestic dispute!!!!

  8. looks like a typically happily married couple after watching one of those gay pride events downtown. now which one is dressed in drag

  9. Its not easy to be a spouse of a very public person . Especially with the haters beating you up

  10. He's an accomplished LIAR, just like his intemperate father.

  11. Pathetic excuse for a mayor.

    Do the right thing Jake...RESIGN!

  12. Do you all feel better putting people down it is a sad situation ,but they are going though hell right now please I am asking in the name of Jesus don't push them off the cliff or in the long run you may be paying le the law take care of it please

    1. Why don't you care about the students involved?

    2. If we pushed him off a cliff...his big buck teef would catch on the side of the cliff and hold him up!!

    3. May be paying? Thats a threat

  13. They look really focused.

  14. Don't do illegal things and you won't get headlined. Not to be confused with stupid things...even then, you'll still get called out. The way she did this is entirely on her. Quit babying criminals and start holding them accountable for once.

    1. Exactly, play stupid games, win stupid prizes! :-)

  15. " Anonymous said...
    I know that you folks don't like Jake but let it go . This is a deeply personal issue ,...let them resolve it

    December 23, 2019 at 12:13 PM"

    It's not a personal issue deeply or otherwise. Day and Day alone choose to be Mayor and when he did then he opened his life for everyone to see which is the way it should be. Personally I've been saying the Day's are the epitome of for lack of a better word dysfunction. His own traffic record and disregard of the laws proves his own upbringing was lacking in much. This is what you call divine intervention. Someone showing all that Day can't run his own life so has no business in the business of trying to run Salisbury And ever if he wasn't the mayor she is a teacher and something like this always makes the news when a teacher is involved. Bottom line they have no choice but to take the judgement and hopefully they will learn the lesson from it. Bad actions with no judgement does them no good and only enables the bad behavior.

  16. Let the law take care of it like Jake & Duncan take care of the crime in Salisbury, come live in the city across from the notorious City Festival and watch the crime that doesn't exist. Come to my house and get to see your house shot up twice in one week by a crazy teenager who got off with it. You can also anytime you look out a window or a front door and see drug sales. And the police at a house two doors down from you and the SPD visit them every week for 3 mos at a time. But Jake says there's no crime I hope this city never lets up on him, I wish him a jail cell then he can appreciate what he has done in the last 4 years. You bleeding hearts for someone that doesn't deserve it.

  17. Beahahahahahaha!! Hold my beer!

  18. My question is how is she eligible for a Public Defender????????????????????

    1. She's not you freakin moron. She retained a private attorney. John Phoebus. It's in the public disclosure. You're just too stupid to read.


  20. Jake should voluntarily take a urine test.

  21. Looks like the chickens are coming home to roost, Lock her (and him) up!

  22. You need to count all of the crime to get a full picture. Add the crimes that happen in the city that are handled by msp and mike lewis. Ask jake if they count them. Crimes are downgraded so you dont have to count them.

  23. Liz and mayor made it into The Washington Post. Congratulations guys, nice article.

  24. 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  25. For all you bleeding hearts feeling sorry for this couple,
    Quit it, just stop. They both know what they do, they get caught, and now they must pay the piper. Covering up this mess helps no one. They are adults, they know right from wrong, plain and simple. No more cover up for either of them, period.

  26. Anonymous said...
    When will the sex with the underage student come out?

    December 23, 2019 at 11:42 AM

    Oh it's out already. We already know about it, just waiting for Sheriff Mikey and States Attorney Jamie Ruark to finally press chargers on this sex offender.

  27. Adderall Barbie and has been Ken.

  28. Anonymous said...
    Look at this picture people, real close at Jake Day!! If anyone in this marriage is doing Adderall it's your immature mayor

    December 23, 2019 at 11:42 AM

    I can't stomach looking at Jake Day's picture but I hear you.

  29. Anonymous said...
    I know that you folks don't like Jake but let it go . This is a deeply personal issue ,...let them resolve it

    December 23, 2019 at 12:13 PM

    If you sign your true name then I will consider letting it go.

  30. Its ridicules to think these two adults were reduced to acquiring drugs from students {especially an ADHD prescription drug}when they could be obtained from several in their current circles. Its not unreasonable to see the interest in approaching any students involved with drugs would soon lead to interest/sharing non prescription drugs and most likely inquiries of sexual exploration/participation.
    In other words, the conversations about drugs/elicit behavior is what opened the door for the sexual predators. This type of team work is far more common than most realize.
    I hope all possible leads to this theory are explored and exhausted.
    They both had extraordinary amounts of time around school children.

  31. This crime was in County not the city

  32. Would this be considered “quid pro quo”

  33. Crime is down. Still challenges but Salisbury is making progress. Most of the comments do not even address the post here. Shows how many of you care more to disparage people than you do about your community. It’s ok though, because most of us care more for our great town, and our problems do not define us because they will be addressed by those of us that really care about Salisbury more than making hateful and idiotic comments.

    1. @931 lol seriously jd?!

    2. Such a bunch of nonsense. Hateful comments about Salisbury?! Seriously?! None of the comments here are not well earned. Salisbury is a crime infested hole right now. Shootings. Drugs. Teachers trying to score their next fix off their students. Please tell me where these comments are not well warranted at this point.

  34. Wow - you people must not like Mayor Day😂 I think she should be treated fairly. No cover up, no first time offense, no community work - jail time would set the record straight - no one is above the law😂

  35. Day should have to submit a urine test to the police.
    He needs to be investigated.
    Hes on drugs, or insane.
    Or both.

  36. I don't care if you like Mayor Day or not. I don't care what you think of Mrs. Day. What I care about, as should everyone else, is that this is a teacher who approached a minor in the school for prescription medication. (Why does a teacher have a kid's phone #, Instagram name, etc.? That in itself is disturbing.) I'm not making light of the problems this may cause in their marriage and his job, not to mention her job. However, it's past time for our judicial system to do more than slap wrists as it's clearly not working. Mayor Day's job should have NO bearing on the outcome of her case if she is found guilty. The good ol' boys network needs to be shut down.

  37. As I read these comments about Mayor Day,most state they need to get rid of him. Well people you had your chance last month. Either you live outside Salisbury or you didn’t vote. You had a choice

  38. Wasn't he considering a run for Lt. Gov. in the near future? So much for that idea...

  39. Few want to get rid of Mayor Day. We are troubled by his wife’s mistake. There will be consequences, but there can also be redemption and we can work harder to prevent mistakes like This from happening

    1. Do Unicorns come with that koolaid or are you drinking it straight?

  40. If she's a dope head so is he. You don't abstain while your significant other indulges.

  41. Why are some of you people feeling sorry for her and saying that we need to leave them alone. All kinds of excuses for her and him. I certainly don't see anyone feeling sorry for other people caught with selling or buying drugs. Just because she is the MARES wife doesn't make her exempt of the fact. Having sex with a high school student. I guess the inch man is not taking care of business at home , so she had to go somewhere else.

  42. It's pretty obvious the county residents have a tremendous dislike for Jake Day and what he's done to salisbury as a whole.

    1. The Jakester had tons of help from ppl like Tilghman and the Gay parrot before him. They all were complicit in ruining Salisbury. Jakester ain’t bright enough to do it alone. He just ain’t that bright at all.

  43. Except for the 2,000 idiots that supported Day during the last election the rest of us aren't immature and naive enough to believe Day for anything he really is!!

  44. 4:21 you have in backwards, crimes in the city are handled by the SPD not the state police and sheriff. The sheriff's office handles the county that is why he is the Wicomico County Sheriff. The SPD stands for Salisbury Police Dept that is why they respond to city crimes. Even with that being said they do share well when needed, our communities are better off that there is cooperation between the city, state and County. This has been the case since before Day took office, he tries to put down the county especially Bob Culver, he is a divider and doesn't and has never believed in transparency.

  45. probation before judgement. all is forgiven, now lets go to rodie joes and then the corner of church and naylor streets

  46. when is the big gay pride parade, i want to make sure I'm in another state when that happens. Jake has turned this town into east san francisco. where is the nearest state that believes being a heterosexual is normal?

  47. Crime may or may not be down. Those stats can be manipulated easily. What I would like to see is some kind of update on all the unsolved MURDERS in Salisbury which go back years. We have cold blooded rapists and murderers walking among us. What say you dykes and Lewis? Crickets...

  48. @9:02 EXACTLY!! I don't have any sympathy for Jake Day or his wife. They have been on this collision course for a couple years and the more you dumbasses kept telling Day how great he was and accepting his lies and deceit the worse he became.

  49. 11:22 I have been saying the same thing for years we have unsolved murders, and rapes going back to the 70's and before I have the list from records have tried to give it to the SPD, asked who is the Cold Case Officer for this area never got an answer. Have checked records at the Wic Public Library on the deaths and made copies of the crimes when they occurred no one still wants the info. I have the pictures and cases contact me 410-251-5788. What say you SPD, MSP, States Attorney offices.

    1. Little Harley Rider Mikey LewisDecember 24, 2019 at 4:31 PM

      We need to run to our safe places

      that's really scary

    2. They just don't care. To much work for a PUBLIC SERVANT!

    3. Send your information to Sby News for posting. Then it will get the attention it deserves.

  50. you libs are to damn funny. on crying how this is a personal issue and to leave them alone. Meanwhile you have no problem with attacking conservatives who have not broken any laws! real pos's you and them! please come to my neighborhood (balt) and get the ass beating you all deserve!

  51. Dishisting Liar! Just like his father.

  52. Isn’t he butt buddy’s with community race baiting agitator James Yamakawa ???

  53. Major crime is down, according to the stats.

    1. 3 shootings in the last week or so.

  54. You can't get a true numerical statistic because the sheriff's department handles the majority of the calls

  55. Isn’t he butt buddy’s with community race baiting agitator James Yamakawa ???
    December 29, 2019 at 11:07 AM

    Yes and they are both friends of race bating agitator Jeff "I don't pay my rent" McCoy.

  56. The teacher didn’t do anything wrong. It’s a right wing conspiracy

  57. come on down to the ghetto, we'll introduce you to lots of idiots!

  58. I am all for reporting the news as it is. She was obviously in the wrong and everyone deserves to know about this incident. But, I do not believe it is right to make posts such as this. Though she is a criminal (when proven guilty) she is also battling a problem which will be very public. Posts such as this one are not really providing any positives to the situation. I do support your enthusiasm for the truth and the parents who send their children to school deserve the truth. This is not helping either, rather it is throwing salt in the wound.

  59. It seems a lot of "local" Law enforcement offices have trouble reporting crime in MD!

    There is no doubt; SPD is part of miss-reporting.

  60. Bwahahahahahahahaha! It couldn't have happened to a better person.

  61. Anonymous said...
    When will the sex with the underage student come out?

    December 23, 2019 at 11:42 AM

    That is a good question. It's obvious that Mike Lewis and Jamie Dykes are protecting their Boi!

  62. Anonymous said...
    Isn’t he butt buddy’s with community race baiting agitator James Yamakawa ???
    December 29, 2019 at 11:07 AM

    Yes and they are both friends of race bating agitator Jeff "I don't pay my rent" McCoy.

    December 29, 2019 at 1:21 PM

    Well Jake doesn't pay his rent either. How can he on $25,000 per year? Now he is losing lizzies salary so Daddy Randy is really going to have to kick in. I heard him talking about setting up a GoFundMe account when Lizzie loses her salary.

  63. Anonymous said...
    when is the big gay pride parade, i want to make sure I'm in another state when that happens. Jake has turned this town into east san francisco. where is the nearest state that believes being a heterosexual is normal?

    December 24, 2019 at 11:02 AM

    That's because Jake Day is really a Closet Homo! And guess what? Why aren't you idiots going to the City Council meetings and complaining about what a $hithole Jake Day and Manure Bota has turned this City into.

  64. Anonymous said...
    Isn’t he butt buddy’s with community race baiting agitator James Yamakawa ???

    December 29, 2019 at 11:07 AM

    Yes he is. The same illegal alien that is trying to get the General Winder sign removed from the County Courthouse property.

    The same illegal alien that is trying to get a monument put up for an African American who murdered his white boss in 1931.

    Jake Day and his little buddy the half white dude from Japan that hates his white DNA also celebrated the murderer who invented Kwanzaa.

    Yes, James Yamakawa is an illegal come here who refuses to assimilate to our ways and he refuses to get a job.

  65. Anonymous said...
    Do you all feel better putting people down it is a sad situation ,but they are going though hell right now please I am asking in the name of Jesus don't push them off the cliff or in the long run you may be paying le the law take care of it please

    December 23, 2019 at 1:35 PM


    What Libtard is this who suddenly found Jesus? Another mental case!

  66. Anonymous said...
    Jamie Ruark?

    December 23, 2019 at 8:31 PM

    Bahahahaha!!! Are you really that stupid?

  67. Anonymous said...
    Crime is down. Still challenges but Salisbury is making progress. Most of the comments do not even address the post here. Shows how many of you care more to disparage people than you do about your community. It’s ok though, because most of us care more for our great town, and our problems do not define us because they will be addressed by those of us that really care about Salisbury more than making hateful and idiotic comments.

    December 23, 2019 at 9:31 PM

    Can you please sign your name so all of us reading this know what moron you are!

  68. Anonymous said...
    @931 lol seriously jd?!

    December 23, 2019 at 10:51 PM

    I'm pretty sure that was Jake Day making that comment. He is such a mental case and he is consumed by the comments on this blog.

  69. Anonymous said...
    I don't care if you like Mayor Day or not. I don't care what you think of Mrs. Day. What I care about, as should everyone else, is that this is a teacher who approached a minor in the school for prescription medication. (Why does a teacher have a kid's phone #, Instagram name, etc.? That in itself is disturbing.) I'm not making light of the problems this may cause in their marriage and his job, not to mention her job. However, it's past time for our judicial system to do more than slap wrists as it's clearly not working. Mayor Day's job should have NO bearing on the outcome of her case if she is found guilty. The good ol' boys network needs to be shut down.

    December 23, 2019 at 10:59 PM

    I agree with you 100%. Are you reading this Mikey Boi Lewis and Jamie Dykes?


  70. When will the sex with the underage student come out?

    December 23, 2019 at 11:42 AM

    That is a good question. It's obvious that Mike Lewis and Jamie Dykes are protecting their Boi!

    January 1, 2020 at 1:31 AM

    Jamie Dykes and Mike Lewis, you both have to get re-elected and this is going to hurt your re-election campaign. I promise that I won't forget it and I will be paying for ads in support of your opponents. We will find true Republicans to fill these seats.


  72. Soooo glad I moved over 800 miles away from that dump, some of Salisbury is truly on a landfill known as Cranberry bog, I guess the toxic fumes arising are finally coming to fruition. There was a shooting, another of many, a few weeks ago with bodily injury, a door was also damaged and the "news" idiot made it clear that "the door had since been replaced". Oh well thank you "news" idiot and the holes in the victims clothes have been sewn shut also. Salisbury, Md. Land of Losers


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