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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Maryland cop charged with multiple counts of rape, suspended without pay

A Maryland police officer has been arrested and charged by his own police department for alleged rape.

Anthony Westerman, a 25-year-old officer with the Baltimore County Police Department, was charged with two counts of second-degree rape and three counts of second-degree assault, officials said in a news release on Sunday.

Although the police statement did not elaborate on when the alleged situations took place, WBAL-TV reports one incident happened on Oct. 4, 2017, and another happened on June 6, 2019.



  1. Suspended WITHOUT PAY for being accused thin blue line. Cops always cover for themselves. Cops corruption. Blah blah.

  2. Thank you for your service leo we support you no matter what. You can do no wrong.

  3. No wonder Jake day is gayDecember 10, 2019 at 9:31 PM

    If these Tramps lied

    I hope he takes everything they have through law suits

    there are so many fake women out there walking around nearly nude....and get offended when you say nice things

  4. Anonymous said...
    Suspended WITHOUT PAY for being accused thin blue line. Cops always cover for themselves. Cops corruption. Blah blah.

    December 10, 2019 at 9:06 PM

    I see you are still butt hurt from the last time I arrested you.

  5. lets face it, all kops lie! they get paid to lie! so no matter what they say or do remember you are talking to a paid liar who is only looking to pad their stats for the next promotion!

  6. I see you are still butt hurt from the last time I arrested you.

    December 11, 2019 at 12:25 AM

    and that right there is why ppl (some) don't like or trust cops.

    1. Yep. You can say whatever YOU want but no one can reply. You are no better than the gays, transsexuals or Democrats. All of them are allowed to say and do whatever THEY want but no one else is allowed to voice THEIR opinion. As soon as you do, you are labeled as a “hater”, a “discriminator” or the “enemy”. Funny how YOU are allowed to have rights and say whatever you want but anyone who disagrees with you isn’t. You can attack a whole profession based on the actions of a few and you feel that is “OK”. Yet no one is allowed to make a sarcastic comment back. Got it.

  7. “All cops lie” is such a broad brush BS statement. It shows bias, ignorance, and disregard for the value of law enforcement. As with anyone, Westerman’s case should be heard and decided without bias. IF he is guilty, as someone responsible for upholding the law, he should be held highly accountable. However, at this point he has not had the benefit of his day in court. Innocent until proven guilty.

  8. 6:45 AM, we all know you're not a cop, however, if you were and you were really innocent would you like your comment made against you? I highly doubt it. Leave him alone until he has his day in court, you know, innocent until proven guilty. If at that time he is proven guilty, don't worry he will pay the price.

  9. Suspended without pay? There must be a video.

    1. Nope. Under the LEOBR (Law Enforcement Officer Bill of Rights), you can only be suspended “without pay” if you are accused of a FELONY. If you are accused of a “misdemeanor” they cannot suspend you without pay. Rape is a felony. So many people comment of things they know nothing about and convince others that it is factual. Do some research before spouting off.

  10. so you so called kops on here refuting my statement all kops lie, are trying to tell us you never ever once glossed over the facts in a case or committed a lie by omission? to catch someone? Last I checked there was no crime associated for a kop lying to a suspect to get something on them or to catch them! So I have to call bs!

    1. Call whatever you want. Here’s a newsflash Cletus...nobody cares what YOU think or if you call BS or not. Warm up another Hot Pocket and head back to mommy’s basement to play Dungeons and Dragons and surf adult websites.

  11. Anonymous said...
    I see you are still butt hurt from the last time I arrested you.

    December 11, 2019 at 12:25 AM

    and that right there is why ppl (some) don't like or trust cops.

    December 11, 2019 at 6:56 AM

    And I arrested you too 6:56 AM...LMFAO. Don't break the law and you won't have to worry about us!

    1. 6:56 Yup do as I say not as I do right? You guys run around tailgating people, flying on the roads just to get home, all the while driving and using the cell phone. So f you dude. I’ve never been arrested. And I’m not 6:56 but YOU are an a$$wipe cop. 🖕🏻🤷‍♀️

  12. 4:16 to funny but you are actually to damn stupid. I make a hell of alot more then you, without having to deal with the dregs of society. if you would have done better in school you could have had a better job! pull your gun you're screwed dont pull it you are screwed!
    good luck with that!

  13. 6:39 I think before you call someone stupid and brag about doing well in school you might want to learn the difference in too and to. Also then and than.

  14. oh my a pos kop that knows how to spell! guess you got tired of having your arrest reports kicked back for improper grammar. shame they overlook the obvious falsehoods in your statements! to damn funny! enjoy your 25K to 60K year salary for chasing your future partners!

    1. Simmer down Bocephus. Please remember to make my fries a large when I come through the drive through while you’re working at McDonald’s. By the way, you look cute in your McDonald’s uniform. I especially like your hat. I have made more money “by accident” that you have made “on purpose”.

  15. COPS where nothing but bullied as kids on the street now they want to bully the streets.

  16. Don't understand in today's butt hurt, liberal progressive lunacy why ALL law enforcement doesn't wear body Cam equipment as standard issue and have to download at the end of each shift

  17. And I arrested you too 6:56 AM...LMFAO. Don't break the law and you won't have to worry about us!

    December 12, 2019 at 1:09 AM

    You have never arrested me. It's just sad that there are ppl like u wearing that costume.


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