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Sunday, December 08, 2019

Los Angeles Police testing non-lethal device capable of detaining people from up to 25 feet away

The Los Angeles Police Department will begin testing a device designed to snare a person from a distance, giving officers an alternative to firing a Taser or a gun, CBS Los Angeles reports. The device, known as the BolaWrap 100, fires a Kevlar cord that wraps around a person's torso and legs from up to 25 feet away.

Manufactured by Las Vegas-based Wrap Technologies, the handheld device emits a gunshot-type noise when it deploys the tether, which has barbs attached that can create a "very small puncture" when the tether wraps around a person, according to Wrap COO and retired assistant L.A. County Sheriff Mike Rothans.

Frequent LAPD critics who attend Police Commission meetings criticized the tool, including Black Lives Matter member Adam Smith, who argued the department would probably deploy the device mostly in minority communities, according to the Los Angeles Times.



  1. Shotgun blast to the feet and legs is non-lethal and this is what those thugs deserve!

  2. Northwest Woodsman: Need to deploy it where crimes occur. If that happens to be black communities, so be it. Better yet, stop wasteful and Usless patrolling of black neighborhoods. I’m thinking that it would be a good use of police resources if they would just cordon off black neighborhoods using officers who would not be fruitlessly patrolling the streets. Let them enjoy their own society and culture in any way they desire. Problem solved.

  3. Military already have it

    1. I would catch that kevlar cord with my registered hands

  4. We will serve them


  5. And wait till they shoot you with it and it goes around your neck, or better yet, when it hits a bystander or passerby... But anything for the cops to push tyranny right?

    It is funny how when I was growing up, the 80's, all these dumb ass cops did was boast about how they have and developed non-lethal weapons, non of which I ever see being used on anyone by the police, hell your lucky the cops even use their taser instead of their gun... We all know cops are coward pussies, who start shit but even with training and weapons of war, they still need to call in back up to help beat the ever living shit out of you...

    1. Are still high from the 80s ma'am ?

    2. 1107s tinfoil hat is coming loose

  6. Maybe you should try not breaking the law. I grew up in the 80's as well. I have neither been shot, tased, or had the "ever living shit" beat out of me by the police. But let me guess, the police are harassing you for no reason what so ever. You are probably the most respectful person they've ever dealt with and they don't have anything better to do start shit with you and beat you up right?

    1. Thanks for this, it just saved me keystrokes trying to communicate with the above thug

  7. Who's giving the lessons: Wonder Woman or the Lone Ranger?

  8. Been busted by the cops when I had it comin', been helped by the same when I needed it. Never had a problem with that. But I always did what they asked or told me to do at the time.

  9. Black Lives Matter member Adam Smith, who argued the department would probably deploy the device mostly in minority communities, according to the Los Angeles Times.

    HMM if you already know this - maybe, just maybe there is a problem with that group. How about working on that instead of criticizing the popo...

  10. Batman has been using one for over fifty years.

  11. Adam Smith, who argued the department would probably deploy the device mostly in minority communities, according to the Los Angeles Times.

    Okay Adam, then let's just keep on shooting (and killing) them. Apparently "Black Lives Matter" doesn't really care about black lives. That snare would not kill the perps in the minority communities, but the police issued guns will. And Adam, of course the weapon would be deployed MOSTLY in minority communities. That's where the most crime is. I'm sure Adam has a better solution....NOT!


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