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Friday, December 20, 2019

Klein: Expel Adam Schiff over Ukraine Hoax

As House Democrats disgrace themselves with their partisan vote to impeach President Donald Trump, it is Rep. Adam Schiff who should come under immediate investigation for possible expulsion over his role in perpetuating the Ukraine narrative targeting the president.

From the start, Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, offered seemingly conflicting accounts of his office’s alleged contact with the so-called whistleblower, as well as the timing of his knowledge of the so-called whistleblower’s complaint.

Schiff also infamously misrepresented Trump’s phone call with Ukraine’s president during a public hearing meant to justify the impeachment inquiry, thereby misleading the country in a manner that even CNN’s “fact-checker” found to be egregious.

And in a scandal almost entirely ignored by the news media, a staffer for Schiff’s House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence took a trip to Ukraine sponsored by a Burisma-funded think-tank just days after the so-called whistleblower officially filed his August 12 complaint after first interacting with Schiff’s office.



  1. he is safe from prosecution in any form.
    He is, and knows it, protected by Two Sets of Laws.

    Look at all the demonstrable and verifiable and documented crimes -- CRIMES - that these slimy pedophilic "leaders" have committed.


    "We, the people" would be doing 10-25 in a prison across the country from our family and trying to reach our lawyer.

    THEY get on TV and talk about immorality, "duty", and honor.
    Piously talk about it, like THEY have any honor at all. And never get CLOSE to a jail.

    Or, keep cheering. They love that. Behind closed doors, they are laughing hysterically at you.

  2. someone please stop him!!!!!!


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