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Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Kamala Harris's top aide QUITS and says she has 'never seen an organization treat its staff so poorly'

A top aide to Democratic presidential hopeful Kamala Harris who stepped down to work for rival Mike Bloomberg left behind a resignation letter with a stinging critique of her former boss' campaign.

'This is my third presidential campaign and I have never seen an organization treat its staff so poorly,' wrote Kelly Mehlenbacher in the November 11 letter obtained by the New York Times.

The letter came after the once promising campaign announced last-minute layoffs of staff in early November, reports the Times.



  1. The staffer doesn’t understand Kamala was never going to win

  2. There's one reason that Kamala's campaign is in the toilet: Kamala.

  3. She slept her way into the position she has and she is a racist pig.

  4. And now she quits. Couldn't hack it without her "loyal" aide.

  5. She is Racist & can't Hide it !!! SEE Ya Traitor


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