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Sunday, December 08, 2019

Joe Biden Would Consider Kamala Harris for VP, Says She is Also ‘Capable’ of Being a Supreme Court Justice

Former Vice President Joe Biden would consider Senator Kamala Harris as his running mate if he wins the Democratic Party nomination.

Speaking to supporters at a town hall at Iowa State University, Biden said that she would be capable of being Vice President, attorney general, or a Supreme Court Justice.

“We lost a really good one, the senator from California,” Biden said. “She is capable of being president or vice president or on the Supreme Court or attorney general. Her capacity is unlimited.”



  1. She must have touched his hairy legs.....

  2. He wants a prosecutor near him to help fend off the cases mounting against him as a pedophile.

  3. The dumbocrat party has become a joke. A very sad joke.

  4. These two IDIOTS could not make Dog Catcher !!!!

  5. For sure Joe’s got dementia.

  6. He called a 83 year old life long democrat a liar to his face. Then bullied and pander to the crowd of 30. He is a really bad person and I can only imagine what he has gotten away with.

  7. But only if he can suck on her fingers to get the pervert vote.

  8. Just threw up my dinner. Thanks Joey Biden!!

  9. Is she "clean" , like he called Obama? He's a pervert, swam naked in front of female secret service agents...and a racist.. remember "you can't go to a 7-11 or Dunkin donuts without having a slight Indian accent.. plus he's dumber than a box of rocks... sorry to insult rocks everywhere..

  10. They Both have Dementia !!!! Living in La La Land !!!

  11. Good to no then she will NEVER be VP.)

  12. He Would consider her for his next Conquest in BED !! LOL

  13. He would like to play Fingers with her !!

  14. Northwest Woodsman: May god help us! He did it once and we elected President Trump. Hope that asking twice is not too much.

  15. Pedo-Joe for president!

    He will hug and smell your little girls, and let your little boys stroke his hairy legs!

    He might even nibble on your finger if you are lucky!

    All while his "Token" vice president watches.

  16. More evidence the lying crooked pervert BIDEN is senile and unfit to serve.

  17. I don't think creepy, senile Joe is going to have to consider anything except going back home to Delaware (or prison).

  18. Pedo Joe Ho HO Ho !!!

  19. Joe must have sleep with her also, she was a bad prosecutor, keep people in prison longer than necessary and hid her record while running!

  20. We are seeing now why he's never had a chance when running for president, and why he doesn't have a chance now. As soon as he gets in front of a camera without a script, his brain damage is obvious to everybody.

  21. She would have to first > Wake him up Sleepy Joe

  22. Joe Biden has personally exposed himself and Obama as one of the most corrupt White House’s ever. Pure crazyness and he did it to himself.


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