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Monday, December 23, 2019

“I’ve Seen the Documents”

On Friday night former US Attorney and US House Rep. John Ratcliffe went on with Jason Chaffetz on Hannity and revealed he has seen the documents that indicate that Comey and Brennan were running an op BEFORE the opening of Crossfire Hurricane.

Fired FBI Director James Comey stated in March of 2017 under oath that the FBI investigation into the Trump – Russia scandal started in July 2016.

Comey lied.



  1. I would love to that lying POS comey go to federal prison for at least 25 years

  2. Comey was one of the most corrupt FBI administrators they had. He was taught by a pro (Mueller) his nemesis. Comey and Mueller has been covering up for the Democrats and the Clintons for years. How do you think they got so rich????

  3. 1:35

    And then reopen the Hillary files and put her in the cell with him.

    Could you imagine?


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