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Friday, December 20, 2019

“IT’S YOUR FUNERAL” – New York Post Savages “Swamp Mistress” Pelosi After Trump Impeachment Vote

The New York Post savaged House Speaker Pelosi on Wednesday evening calling her a “Swamp Mistress.”

Democrats voted in a straight party line vote to impeach President Trump for abuse of power on Wednesday night.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wore black at her funeral Wednesday night after she walked her caucus off the cliff.

Pelosi may have won the impeachment vote, but she lost 2020.



  1. Once a swamp RAT, always a swamp RAT!!

  2. Trump media strikes again

  3. I just can't anymore.

    When did our public discourse become so base?

    Disagree with people politics, fine. Debate the ideas. How did we get to this point of vitriol and each side misrepresenting the other, and these pointless attacks.

    Mostly the media I guess. Sensationalism sells and advertising makes money, and profits don't care about civility, heck they don't even care about the truth. Feed them their own confirmation bias and jack the levels up to 11.

    It's like we are on a steady diet of red bull and candy, when we need to be eating healthy. We are so sick as a nation.


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