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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

In a Blow to Political Correctness, Trump Praises Salvation Army

America isn’t the only thing making a comeback under President Donald Trump—so is Christmas! The candidate who vowed, “We’re gonna be saying ‘Merry Christmas’ again,” delivered on that promise again in a big way Thursday night. Thirty feet of big, to be exact. In front of the giant spruce, the President made it very clear that this event wasn’t about illuminating the tree—but shining a light on the real reason for the season.

In a speech that no one would mistake for former President Barack Obama’s, the President talked about the wise men coming to worship Jesus.

"Christians give thanks that the Son of God came into the world to save humanity. Jesus Christ inspires us to love one another with hearts full of generosity and grace … As one grateful nation, we praise the joy of family, the blessings of freedom, and the miracle of Christmas."

His words were a breathtaking departure from Christmases past, which were full of nothing but the pageant of political correctness.

To millions of Americans, Trump hasn’t just tapped into the frustration they feel about Christmas, but the mockery of the values they hold dear. And he took another moment to prove it, intentionally recognizing the Salvation Army for its important work—despite the left’s latest attacks over its Christian roots.


[I don't know about you, but I'm going to find a Kettle this weekend and put a nice donation in it. Bravo, Mr. President! --Editor]


  1. What a great President we have and will have again! Trump 2020

  2. Thank you, Mr. President.

  3. The script writers got that one right.

  4. Best president ever! Trump 2020. This man is the greatest thing that ever happened to this country. He is as good for our country as Obama was bad for it. We love you, President Trump! God Bless You!!!


  5. Wonder if Chick-Fil-A took note?

  6. That is why I pray every night that God keeps him as our President. The lord is working through him.

  7. Northwest Woodsman: Seems like real American patriots love our president. You’d never know it if you gain information from CNN, ABC, NYT, and any of the mainstream media.


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