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Friday, December 20, 2019

Immigration Will Dramatically Shift The Electoral College In Favor Of Democrats, Study Finds

A new analysis finds that immigration will dramatically reshape the Electoral College map in favor of the Democratic Party after completion of the 2020 U.S. Census.

Rising immigrant populations around the United States will result in several solidly Democratic states gaining more seats in the House of Representatives at the expense of solidly Republican states, a new study by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) finds. The shift will ultimately give the Democratic Party more influence in the Electoral College map, according to CIS.

As the 2020 Census approaches, CIS conducted a study to predict what the Electoral College map will look like after the counting is done. Under current policy, all individuals are included in the population count, regardless of citizenship or immigration status. Democratic states are expected to be bolstered with more congressional representation — thus giving them more influence in the Electoral College — thanks to their burgeoning immigrant populations.



  1. No surprise there ! Immigration has always been a key component of the Democratic Party ! Free Stuff and Social support programs.... The controlled version that is Bi-partisan would
    allow skilled persons and those who ADD to this country !

  2. What do you add to this country?

  3. When you allow non US citizens to vote in US election this is what you get. It is called allowing other Countries to interfere in US elections.


  4. This is why the lefties are so desperate to avoid the census question about legal status. They want as many heads counted as possible, so that the millions of illegals are included.

    It CANNOT be right that people who are in the country illegally would be entitled to representation in Congress. They are not citizens, they are not even legal residents, and arguably they are not even entitled to the rights and protections afforded by the US Constitution.

  5. Thanks to Holder - Obama's wingman. Holder has done nothing else but Jerrymander for the last 3 years. It took place in MD.

  6. this has been the GOAL of the DEMS and the Deep State all along!!!

  7. The problem is Democrat policies are failures and result in crime and poverty so at some point they’ll be voted out again


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