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Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Hundreds of Thousands Return to Hong Kong Streets, Invigorated by U.S. Support

Rally organizers said 380,000 people took the streets of Hong Kong Sunday for a protest themed “never forget” – a reminder to the city’s government that the protest movement’s victory in last week’s district council elections would not silence their four democratic demands.

Hong Kong residents have been organizing peaceful assemblies since June – the largest protest on record attracting 2 million people in a city of 7 million – demanding the government not cede to Chinese Communist Party attempts to subdue it. China has a right to sovereignty over Hong Kong under a policy called “One Country, Two Systems,” which bans Beijing from imposing communism.

The protesters are making five demands of their government: the full withdrawal of proposed legislation to allow Beijing to extradite anyone present in Hong Kong into China’s repressive and secretive prison system; freedom for all political prisoners; the direct election of lawmakers; an end to the government referring to protests as “riots;” and an independent investigation into police brutality.



  1. Waist of time !! China will Crush them soon because they
    are NOT Free as we , & they won't let them be ever !! Sad

  2. I agree with 9:14 pm. America has given them hope- that's all they have right now. My question:. They knew it was coming years ago - why didn't they have a game plan?

  3. Hong Kong is infinitesimal in the grand scheme of things vis a vis China, however the quest for democracy is a black eye to Xi Jeping even if Blumenthal doesn't think he is a dictator. China has been outed on the world stage.

  4. Won't happen in a communist country fools... But you all seem to love it and want to let the politicians here in AMERICA do the same crap to us.... This is why I keep saying you love being slaves, not just for loving taxes so much, but this crap too... You all vote for them to do this, and if you don't vote your saying you allow it and want it...

  5. All the Blame of the stupid U.K for giving the whole city area
    to CHINA in a dumb agreement years ago !!!!

    China laughing like crazy > What a Record Giveaway !!!!


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