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Monday, December 23, 2019

GLAAD Complains After Politico Uses ‘Sexist and Homophobic’ Term ‘Pillow Fight’

Gay rights advocacy group GLAAD complained to Politico that its use of the term "pillow fight" in its coverage of Thursday night's Democrat primary debate was "sexist and homophobic."

"For women and LGBTQ people at the workplace, hearing phrases like ‘dramatic,' ‘over the top,' and even ‘pillow fight' during office disagreements fosters negative stereotypes and diminishes a person simply because of who they are," GLAAD's Drew Anderson wrote in an email.

Politico used the term in its post-debate newsletter, writing that 2020 Democrat presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg had been "side-tracked by his pillow fight with Elizabeth Warren."

"Disagreements happen in politics, but using these loaded terms during disputes feed into the sexist and homophobic tropes that simply have no place in our political coverage and rhetoric," Anderson wrote in his email.



  1. Here we go again luciferian logic being applied that makes NO SENSE. Deceptive confusion seeds they sow. If they have a problem with pillow fight.then dare i say ? pillow talk pillow biters,

  2. "Gay rights advocacy group"

    Gays and the other alphabet loonies don't have any more rights than anyone else.

  3. shove gladd...p.c. free...

  4. So sick of hearing about gays and their mental illnesses

  5. The 2% want to tell the 98% how to live.

  6. Okay, so let's change "pillow fight" to "sword fight"

    Better, now?

    Maybe "Tit-willow tango"?

    How about Willie wanker?

    I'm soooooo triggered!

  7. I guess the proper wording should have been "Crossing Swords"???

  8. So now gays own the rights to everything pillow?


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