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Monday, December 09, 2019

Free Day Care for Illegal Immigrants’ Kids While Parents Attend Driver’s License Workshops

Democrats don’t realize that their support of illegal immigrants in this country has destroyed their once-strong bond with the American working class.

Illegal immigrants are not “friends” to the working class in America, in my view.

They drive down wages, crowd public schools and hospitals, and bleed entitlements dry.

American taxpayers are paying enough as it is.

It’s absurd to expect them to pay more in order to fund the lifestyle of criminals who got here by sneaking across the border.

Now, in a direct slap to Americans everywhere, we’re learning that the State of New York is offering “free” day care to illegal immigrants so they can attend workshops on how to obtain U.S. driver’s licenses.



  1. WTF - this crap has GOT to stop, this is OUR money being spent nothing is FREE

  2. We take care of the criminal Hispanics illegals and don't care about the homeless Americans who over half are veterans... G_ d D_ _ m Libbies...

  3. How are these illegals meeting the federal ID for drivers licenses? Are they exempt? Do they get a free red star on their licenses while the rest of us have to jump through hoops to prove for a second time we are citizens?

  4. Yea Americans that have gone to the same MVA their entire lives have to prove who they are now by paying the state 22 dollars and jumping over hurdles... it’s a tax scam

  5. NO Lic / NO Nothing for Illegals > Send them BACK !!!

  6. Make Mexico keep them on THEIR side of the border !!!


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