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Friday, December 27, 2019

Franklin Graham: Christianity Today Editorial Used to ‘Divide’ Evangelicals

Tuesday, during an appearance on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends First,” Samaritan’s Purse President Rev. Franklin Graham offered his view on Christianity Today’s editorial supporting impeachment and proclaiming President Donald Trump unfit for the presidency.

Graham, whose father Billy Graham founded the magazine 60 years ago, dismissed the editorial as one from a left-leaning magazine that would have disappointed his late father.

“This magazine — this left-leaning magazine, my father did start 60 years ago but is so far removed now from what my father founded the magazine to be,” Graham said. “And for them to say the president should be removed when he has done more for Christians and evangelicals than any president in my lifetime, I just find it to be crazy. The man’s just lost his mind.”

“[F]or Christianity Today to suggest that he should step down, why?” he continued. “What he’s done so much for our country, just because this is what Nancy Pelosi and a few people on the left want,” he continued. “And this magazine is following in step with the leftist agenda. My father would be very disappointed. My father actually had nothing really to do with this magazine for the last 25, 30 years.”

Graham argued the mainstream press were using the editorial to divide the evangelical community for political purposes.



  1. George Soros is on a mission to divide the Christian Community. He's going after the Liberal Christians to do his dirty work and sadly he's paying them the filthy lucre and they are taking it.


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