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Saturday, December 21, 2019

FBI had spies inside Trump campaign: IG

The FBI had operational informants inside the Trump campaign and among Trump associates, according to the Justice Department’s inspector general report.

The finding appears to be the first official confirmation that there were FBI-paid spies, called confidential human sources (CHS), close to President Trump.

Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report tends to downplay his finding. But he does say that one informant reported information directly to Crossfire Hurricane, the code name for the FBI probe into Trump-Russia connections led by agent Peter Strzok.



  1. I think most of us already knew this. Deep State and DEMS Swamp Creatures....

  2. They aren't actually spies.
    They are his handlers. They tell him what to do and say (and type on Twitter).
    Intelligence is the Deep State. It is the real government.

    Nobody gets to drain the swamp
    The people who built the swamp do not want it to be drained.
    Therefore, it will remain.

  3. Maybe it's time to drain the FBI-disband it.

  4. Democrats,, Obama and Hillary (Podesta, Jarrett, et al) were so deeply defeated despite all of their illegal Communist tactics, spying, lies, distortions, press and media collusion, foreign money, Soros etc, they will do anything to exact any revenge they can muster.
    Obama planted loyal liberal infiltrators, weaponized and mobilized every acronym agency possible during his regimes occupation of the office. They are actively working within our Government against the will of the voting public in an organized shadow cartel that actively coordinated, plotted, executed a coup attempt. There is really nothing “deep state” about it. These fools operate in the open with contempt, ie; Lois Lerner, Strzok and Page, McCabe, Brennan, Comey, Holder, Lynch, etc just to name a few. That is treason.

  5. 8:07 you're right It's time to drain the "COMEY HOMIES" that held a rally for the Liar/Leaker Comey. The FBI now gives "forgiveness for smoking dope" in order to have diversity within.


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