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Saturday, December 07, 2019

Epstein Was A Mossad Agent Used To Blackmail American Politicians, Former Israeli Spy Claims

Jeffrey Epstein was a Mossad asset who was used by Israeli intelligence to blackmail American politicians, according to a former Israeli spy.

Ari Ben-Menashe, a former Israeli spy and alleged “handler” of Robert Maxwell, told the authors of a new book, Epstein: Dead Men Tell No Tales, that Epstein ran a “complex intelligence operation” at the behest of Mossad.

Believing that Epstein planned to marry his daughter, Maxwell introduced him and Ghislaine Maxwell to Ben-Menashe’s Mossad circle.

“Maxwell sort of started liking him, and my theory is that Maxwell felt that this guy is going for his daughter,” Ben-Menashe said.

“He felt that he could bless him with some work and help him out in like a paternal [way].”


  1. What, you didn't know it? Through deception they make war.

  2. I wonder who's administration fostered this assumption. Any guesses?

  3. True or not, a lovely way to drive a wedge between "allies".

  4. Makes sense. Besides the occult, baphomet crap, they use sex rings for blackmail

  5. This is common knowledge among educated persons. Intelligence runs the world and all governments on behalf of the elite banking families.

  6. That's why I never understood why prostitutes are charged with a crime but not the "Johns"

  7. He was just a DEEP state agent using girls to Blackmail the
    Republicans & others ( controlled by Democrats )


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