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Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Donald Trump praises 'wonderful statements' of Jewish leader who accuses AOC, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib of anti-Semitic hate speech

Donald Trump praised a Jewish leader Monday for 'wonderful statements about me' after he blamed Democrats for a rise in anti-Semitism and slammed Bill de Blasio and Andrew Cuomo in the wake of a mass stabbing at a Hanukkah party.

'There is a cause for hate speech. When you have the Farakahns of the world, when you have members of the United States Congress – Tliab, Omar, AOC – when you have them indulging in hate speech themselves – and to get away with it. You know there's a new standard, one is for anti-Semitism and one is for other type of hate,' Dav Hikind said on Fox & Friends Sunday morning.

'Unfortunately, people within my party – I'm a Democrat – within the Democratic Party, there's a double standard,' he said, claiming those on the left disparage any type of hate speech unless it's against Jewish people.

'The hate, the anti-Semitism that emanates from within the left – you don't hear anything, you hear very little,' he continued. 'Anything that comes from the other side, it's all – I mean, even the mayor of the city of New York has continued to call the hate coming from the right. All the hate in New York is coming from the left.'


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