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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Crooked Hillary Attacks President Trump After Dems Announce Articles of Impeachment – Calls Him “Occupant of the Oval Office”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Maxine Waters and other liberal chairmen announced their Articles of Impeachment against President Trump on Tuesday morning.

— Abuse of Power
— Obstruction of Congress
That’s all they could come up with.

Serial liar Adam Schiff accused President Trump of cheating to win the 2016 election from Hillary Clinton.

“The president’s misconduct goes to the heart of whether we can conduct a free and fair election in 2020…Despite everything we have uncovered, the president’s misconduct continues to this day, unapologetically and right now,” Schiff said Tuesday morning.

Hillary Clinton cheered the news and called President Trump the “occupant of the Oval Office.”

“We must defend our democracy, and the painful truth is that the occupant of the Oval Office is waging war against it,” Hillary said in a tweet Tuesday.



  1. He is the occupant. Not you commie clinton.

  2. Hil-liar-y WILL burn in hell. Sooner rather than later...

  3. Abuse of power= Doing his job.

    Obstruction of Congress = Won't commit an impeachable crime.

    Gosh darn.

  4. Sure takes a lot of Hubris to call Hillary "crooked" when Trump is the guy being impeached... and Hillary DID testify, rather than obstruct or hide.. and was never convicted or charged with anything.

    That takes some stunning hubris, and shocking cognitive dissonance.

    I don't like Hillary, I'm just pointing out the facts

    1. Yes she did to a group of people she paid off. Trump can't be bothered with a sham. Hillary was accused of a real crime not one made up. Get real!

    2. 12:24 you must have missed the facts in the article stating hillary's complete list of qualifications. Scroll back 3 articles and try to retain what you read, it will help you make an informed decision at the voting booth.

  5. Te democrat House of Reps used to make me angry with all the bogus impeachment hysteria. Now they are just pathetic. It's hard to believe there are voters that put them there. I guess it's really their constituents that are pathetic, including MD Democrats. They are beyond uninformed, they are pathetic.

  6. No-body cares what she has to say > she is Toast / Finished !!!

  7. 12:24--
    Just because the Dems are trying to impeach him doesn't mean he's guilty of anything illegal. IMO, it's a big ol' smokescreen in hopes of covering up what they've been doing. A lot of names have come up, including shifty Schiff, that accepted illegal foreign funds. Pay attention to the 8 indictments handed down thus far. I find Whatfinger.com to be a good news aggregate; it would seem you prefer fake news. CNN? Hillary hasn't been charged yet, but certainly can't say she's innocent; destroying 30K e-mails that were subpoenaed, for one example!

  8. 12:24--
    Just because the Dems are trying to impeach him doesn't mean he's guilty of anything illegal. IMO, it's a big ol' smokescreen in hopes of covering up what they've been doing. A lot of names have come up, including shifty Schiff, that accepted illegal foreign funds. Pay attention to the 8 indictments handed down thus far. I find Whatfinger.com to be a good news aggregate; it would seem you prefer fake news. CNN? Hillary hasn't been charged yet, but certainly can't say she's innocent; destroying 30K e-mails that were subpoenaed, for one example!

  9. Trump will REMAIN the Occupant Now & 2020 & beyond !!!!

  10. I'm just sick of her. She has no shame 😂 Clinton's will not go away.

  11. @12:24 No, you're a dumbass.

  12. @ December 12, 2019 at 7:37 PM

    I want you to revisit what you posted and think on it.

    Someone is being accused of wrong doing, but hasn't been charged yet. This means they aren't guilty of anything.

    Which does that apply to? Trump or Hillary?

    Also, for clarification, the President doesn't need to do anything illegal to be impeached. If this is your presumption, I suggest you revisit what is impeachable according to the foremost experts on the founders, the Constitution, and impeachment. Asking a foreign nation or national to interfere with an American election is actually a felony, were you aware?

  13. @8:33

    When you're ousted entirely from government in November as you are losing moderates in your party, you can virtue signal from the sidelines.
    Obama used a drone to kill an American civilian without a trial and you lot didn't do squat. You haven't the moral authority to impeach a pedophile at this point and the only reason you have any political power at all is due to the fact you will pander to any pervert or sicko for a vote.


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