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Friday, December 13, 2019

Council Supports OCFD Request To Replace Rescue Truck

OCEAN CITY — A $1.2 million purchase of a replacement Ocean City Fire Department workhorse vehicle passed at City Hall this week amid some concerns about the department’s priority system.

The Mayor and Council reviewed Tuesday a request for a new heavy rescue truck for the fire department at an estimated cost of around $1.2 million. The apparatus is a workhorse for the department and does much of the heavy lifting in the case of emergency and also carries much of the department’s heaviest gear along with needed supplies.

The current heavy rescue truck has been in service since 1975 and is nearing the end of its useful life. Since taking the reins last spring, Ocean City Fire Chief Richie Bowers has been systematically renewing the department’s apparatus replacement schedule and the heavy rescue truck is the next on the priority list.

“It’s a primary unit for us,” he said. “We have to handle the emergencies because no one else is coming in a short amount of time. It is a hefty price tag, but it will last us many, many years.”



  1. $300,000. for replacing to diesel motors, $30,000 would be high for that work. But these are fire trucks so it must go threw the monopoly. Why wont authorities rayne in the monopoly? Because these abusive prices give local governments the ability and excuses to further rape rob and pillage the citizens..via taxes. 1.2 million for a heavy suspension red truck...with lots of cabinets of course. I dont think you heros care as much about people as you say you do, your loading the ammo used to jack our wallets.

  2. Crazy money! Insane amount of money. No wonder th3e parking is going up. Soon you will have a flush and sand tax there.

  3. 515 ok keyboard warrior.hope your never trapped in a car crash and require specialized tool to remove your snowflake a$$.

    1. If it takes a Million dollar truck to save Me from a trapped car I’m pretty much toast. 8 dollar bolt cutters is all I need.

    2. 7:25 I'm sure the old truck is well equipped with said specialized tools. If not, improvise.

  4. Just how old is this truck? I lived in Fruitland for several years and was amazed to see how well the citizens take good care of the police department and the fire stations. Those institutions seem to have the best of the best. New buildings, new computer equipment, new SUVs, cell phones etc. Nice to have but your taxes are so high that eventually taxpayers will run out of money or move to another less taxes State.


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