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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Bill Clinton leak exposes Democrats' double standard on impeachment

Democrats, in their drive toward impeachment, charge that President Trump withheld U.S. aid to Ukraine until Kyiv agreed to launch an investigation into potential corruption involving former Vice President Joseph R. Biden and to conduct an inquiry into Ukrainian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.

But there was a much earlier — and more blatant — episode, this time with a Democrat president demanding a clear quid pro quo from a desperate foreign leader.

In the spring of 1996, President Clinton was seeking reelection when he met in Egypt with Boris Yeltsin, Russia’s first post-Soviet leader who was also facing a tough reelection battle.

A leaked memorandum of conversation obtained by The Washington Times found that Mr. Clinton pressured the Russian leader by offering U.S. political support for Mr. Yeltsin’s reelection — with just one catch: Russia first had to lift a ban on U.S. chicken imports, imposed over concerns that the poultry was tainted with bad bacteria.

More here


  1. Blah blah blah the Clintons.

  2. Obvious double standard. No doubt the Democrats will impeach but they will pay a heavy price at the polls and they will rue their decisions which will be forever memorialized with video testimony. Also, the credibility of the key witnesses who had zero first hand knowledge is "toast".

  3. Why is refusing to give Dems re-election dollars because they don’t vote as Pelosi demands on impeachment not considered quid pro quo?

  4. Why is refusing to give Dems re-election dollars because they don’t vote as Pelosi demands on impeachment not considered quid pro quo?

  5. The Dems are forgetting every day that Bill Clinton was impeached just not removed from office for raping a then 19 year old staff member. He should have been tossed out and served hard time.


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