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Monday, December 16, 2019

Attorneys for Lori Loughlin, husband say government 'appears to be concealing' evidence

Attorneys for actress Lori Loughlin and her husband, Mossimo Giannulli, say the U.S. government is hiding evidence that would benefit the couple's defense in the college admission scandal.

Loughlin and Giannulli are accused of paying $500,000 to the scandal's mastermind, Rick Singer, to have their daughters pose as University of Southern California athletes. They were also later accused of bribing USC employees to get their daughters admitted.

The couple pleaded not guilty in April to charges of conspiracy to commit fraud and conspiracy to commit money laundering. They also pleaded not guilty in November to a bribery charge.



    Thank you SBYNEWS and viewers AND The Human Society of wicomico county Director Kimberly Nock ... The Issue with a puppy being left out in this terrible weather Has been Resolved The Crying pup was removed from the property thanks to HSOWC thank you all again.

  2. Now you know the government people from California would never withhold evidence. Come on they are Democrats who lie everyday to the public why would they start now telling the whole truth to anybody.

    1. Must have been a second act of bribery. Bank accounts need to be audited

  3. Arrogance beyond measure.


  4. It's a Federal prosecution. In concert with the ringleader she got her brats admitted under fraudulent pretenses. And didn't have the common sense to follow the example of her co-star and admit what happened while showing some remorse.

    A genuine stretch in stir is coming.

  5. Lock UP her GUILTY , Stuck-UP & Arrogant Ass & teach
    her a Lesson !!!!

  6. She parades all around Smirking & signing autographs like
    Hillary would do !!!

    FBI better nail her to the wall in a Rock Solid case !!!!

  7. She is GOING down , FBI has the goods on her or they would
    Not have risked charging her Rich ass in the first place !!!

    Wire-Taps will be her Demise , just like the MOB !!!

  8. f.b.i. will do nothing as demonstrated before


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